Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by AlanJones Wed Oct 13, 2021 2:23 am
From: David king - [email protected]
Subject: Your Overdue Abandoned Payment
Tel. No.: +27710927585

From the desk of Mr James Formby (+27-710927585)

Director/Manager, Foreign Exchange
Rand Merchant Bank
Johannesburg ,South Africa

Official Ref: Notification (Transmission) of Original sent to Swift (Ack)
Network Delivery Status : Network Ack Priority/Delivery: Normal
Message Input Reference RMB8009912RMBAZAJJ0614509XXXXX6987667952-5
Message Output Reference RMB847654CIBBMYKL99120614509XXXXX697667952-5
Message: RMB800991206145091 Queue : PYC-SOFT
MUR :E800991206146113 Service : PYVD/E
Ack : Addressee: Correspondent: RMBAZAJJXXX
Ack : Rand Merchant Bank RMB
Ref: RMB/MY2KXXX4665433821/1000043550000077

Dear Beneficiary/Next of kin:


Pls if this mail finds you : I am Mr, James Formby of the above bank and address, I sincerely bring to your notice that over the years several payment Notifications from African banking institutions has brought to your notice of this very payment Notice in your name and in your favors but you choose to ignore this payment and refused to adhere to payment transfer procedures due to your past ugly experiences with some fake officials who have taken advantage of you in extorting irrelevant charges/fees from you thereby confusing you to see that this payment funds is 100% reality in your name despite how it was acquired and approved to your favors

Once again I want to categorically inform you that this funds is dully deposited in your name with the above references that is why you frequently receives these payment Notification from time to time , you will stop receiving these messages when the payment transfer is successfully achieved and confirmed , I am ready to work with you in every honesty to prove to you that this funds dose Exists in your name and favors with a view to prove to you that everybody in Africa is not corrupt despite your bad past experiences and the much you have spent so far to the wrong hands and scam institutions

With your trust if you can, I will work with you and actualize this payment completion into your chosen bank account in less than (4) banking days to put a smile on your face and to prove to you that everybody in Africa is not a cheat as you people from developed world see Africa to be if you are ready to take my advise, upon the payment gazette into your account it will be up to you to show appreciation to me if you choose to do so

I await your urgent response to find out what it will take for my office to complete this payment transfer within (4 days ) mandate

I expect your urgent response or call : +27-710927585


Contact the Rand Merchant Bank(RMB) International, Remittance Director, Attn Mr. James Formby [/b]Switchboard +27-710927585 Notification (Transaction) - of Original Sent to SWIFT (ACK)Network Delivery Status : Network ACK, Priority/delivery Normal Message Input Reference : 105903032z0AFR8C0XXX0497010118 ............Original Message Header...... confirmed correct ................. Swift Input : PIN 100-customer transfer Advice
Sender : South African First National Bank, This Is A Document Of The Rand Merchant Bank(RMB) A Division Of First Rand bank limited Content Should Not Be Disclosed To Any One except The Intended Recipient Only:All Right Reserved

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.

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