Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Phil Franks Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:59 am
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Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 23:26:24 +0530 (IST)
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Subject: Urgent Respond from Mrs. lilian chen
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Dear friend,

I am Mrs. lilian chen gpu and i have been surffering
from ovarian cancer disease and the doctor says that i have just two days to
leave.I am from (Lhasa) China but based in Africa Burkina
Faso since eight years ago as business woman dealing with gold
exportation.Now that i am about to end the race like this,without any family
members and no child.I have 2 Million US DOLLARS in Africa Development Bank
(ADB) Burkina Faso which i instructed the bank to give St Andrews Missionary
Home in Burkina Faso.But my mind is not at rest because i am writting this
letter now through the help of my computer beside my sick bed.

I also
have 5.5Million US Dollars at Ecobank here in Burkina Faso and i instructed the
bank to transfer the money to the first foreigner that will apply to the bank
after i have gone that they should release the fund to him/her,but you will
assure me that you will take 50% of the money and give 50% to the orphanages
home in your country for my heart to rest.You are to contact the bank through
this email address: [email protected]
Yours fairly friend,
Madam Mrs. lilian chen

Here to help in any way I can

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