Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Wiljames Sat Nov 13, 2021 12:17 am
Sent from ATT. WILLIAMS SCOTT - [email protected] or [email protected]
Reply to ALFRED SMITH Email: [email protected]

Attention: Beneficiary,

I am Attorney Williams Scott who resumed the role on August 2, 2017 in Kentucky after being confirmed by the United States Senate.

I want you to know that your impending funds worth $8.3 million USD from CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA , which was intercepted, has been released to you , i noticed that your funds from the EXECUTIVE GOVERNOR,CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA (CBN) have come to make so many things right from the way the corrupt government officials has made it to be. Payment of Inheritance fund, overdue payments and compensations without causing heart break to beneficiaries is his priority. My investigation continued to the CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA (CBN) as The FBI monitoring team gave a satisfactory NOTICE to your transaction.

I have your file from the Central Bank of Nigeria{CBN} which has been on my desk since I resumed office. i really want to know if you are interested in receiving your funds from the Central Bank of Nigeria{CBN} as i understand that you have spent a lot in the past trying to get the funds to your doorstep as i (Attorney, Williams Scott) will stand on your behalf and make sure delivery gets to you.

Now your funds have been confirmed and ready for delivery as I and Christopher A. wray(FBI DIRECTOR) have resolved the issue with the Central Bank of Nigeria{CBN} and documents to those boxes are ready and all in your name. You are advised to desist from contacting any other person because CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA (CBN) has taken full responsibility to two TRUNKS BOXES worth $8.3 MILLION which will be delivered to you by CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA (CBN) Agent(ALFRED SMITH) Email: [email protected] Number: 619-489-3312 who also has the original copy of the documents and he manage to get into cleveland, Ohio United States yesterday. All you will pay is delivery charge only to Agent. ALFRED SMITH for him to make a successful delivery without any delay as all documents are complete.

Att, Williams Scott

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