Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Wiljames Fri Nov 19, 2021 3:43 pm
Email from Ajmal Ahmady - [email protected]
asking that you respond to [email protected]

Subject - Mutual Partnership/Investment


Please do not disregard this message as junk even if it is delivered
to your spam folder. It is very important. I ask for a benefit of
doubt. If necessary we can discuss on the phone, so you will be sure
it is not another junk message.

I am Ajmal Ahmady. The former acting Central Bank Governor of the
collapsed Afghanistan Government, now taken over by the Taliban. I
managed to escape to the United States when the Taliban cracked down
on the government officials. I am currently hiding in the United
States as a refugee.

I need your help to retrieve some funds I kept in a bank. In the chaos
that ensued after the United States decided to leave Afghanistan, with
the Taliban in charge, I took advantage of the situation and my
position, to move some money out for myself and my family.

Now I want to relocate this fund to your custody for you to secure it
in any good investment. Right now, we do not know where Afghanistan is
headed to. I don’t even know when/if I can go back to my country.
Everyone is scared. I need to secure this money for myself and family.
The amount involved is 25miIIion DoIIars. For your assistance, I will
give you twenty percent of it. You will then invest the remaining
Eighty percent for me in any good Investment you can handle well.

There is no risk involved. But try to keep this information to
yourself. Nobody knows about this money except both of us.

If you are sure, you can invest this money securely, please reply on
my direct secured email: [email protected] , so I can share more
details with you. If you cannot handle this, also let me know so I can
look for another person

Ajmal Ahmady.

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