Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Michelle Fri Nov 26, 2021 1:42 pm
from: Mrs Lima Patel <[email protected]>
reply-to: [email protected]

Good morning,

I didn't forget your past efforts. I'm happy to inform you on my
success in getting these funds are transferred under the cooperation
of a new partner of the India. I am currently in India for investment
projects with my own share of the total sum. In the meantime, don't
forget to your previous efforts and attempts to help me transfer these
funds, despite having failed in some way. Now get in touch with my
lawyer in LOME TOGO, his name is Mr. JOHN UBANGA Email:
[email protected]

Ask him to send you the total of $200,000.00 I saved for your
compensation for all your efforts and attempts to help me on this
matter. I very much appreciated your efforts at that time. so stay at
ease and contact Mr.JOHN UBANGA's attorney and instruct him where to
send the value to you.

Mrs Lima Patel.

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