Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Snixon Thu Jul 14, 2011 5:01 am
Hi Guys,

Only just registered in a desperate attempt to get some advice! I saw an advedrta while back for a ‘horse to loan’. I contacted the ladyvia email as I was looking for one and it sounded perfect. Anyway long story short this lady is very very wealthy and has her own land and all her own horses etc which her and her family go to America and Germany to compete etc. This fell through and she stopped emailing me. Then by chance I thought in may im gonna email her again! and she mailed back!! Telling me she was looking for help again around September time as one of her girls was going to uni. She said I can come and visit for a loan or I could have a full time job with her. I adore horses so it would be my dream job, To help care for the horses and compete them abroad. She offers £20 per hour which is ideal for me!!!
Anyway all I know is her name and address (if this is true information) I am supposed to be going to her house Saturday at 11am to meet the horses and her and take it from there. I have asked for a contact number but I am still awaiting reply via email and Saturday is very near now!! Im worried it’s a psycho or something? Am I being paranoid???
It just all seems a bit too good to be true. I cant not go incase it’s the real thing and I miss out but is it safe to go? I was thinking about taking my dad and pretending my car was being serviced that’s why he was with me? She hasn’t asked me for ANY personal details at all apart from my work with horses so maybe it is legitimate??? Help please guys!!!

by Justin Thu Jul 14, 2011 8:13 am
Hello Snixon!
We deal with job related scams but from what you are describing it does not sound like one I have heard of. Another member may come along with more insite though.

We mainly deal with advance fee fraud where a scammer is asking you for money. From what you say it sounds like you are more worried about your personnel safety. Have you searched the Internet with this persons name and email address? From what you describe about her you should turn up results. When you do get an address search it too on google earth to see if it is what she says it is.

I think the idea of having your dad drive you is good. Do this by all means if your concerned.

Good luck!

by Snixon Thu Jul 14, 2011 8:39 am
thanks so much for your reply - ive been waiting eagerly!!

yes i agree, its personal safety i suppose i am a little more worried about at the moment. i have her name and email address - and searched endlessly for some info - although i havent searched for her email address so i will do that now - thanks!

with regards to the address, in an email - she sent me google map images of her house. i re looked it up on google maps myself and its there! it isnt in the middle of nowhere either?! however it is.... on the most expensive street in the north west!!!!!

yeah me too, im 20 though so worried about me looking a bit of an idiot taking him??!

thanks again Justin. Let me know what you think of what i just said! x
by Snixon Fri Jul 15, 2011 4:15 am
ok thanks i will! i still havent heard from the lady again so i will just go and hope for the best!! thankyou
by Snixon Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:53 am

Just in case you wanted to know, it all turned out to be false and the police are now involved!
by Snixon Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:51 am
Yes of course, there isn’t too much too add to be honest from my original story (first post).

Police believe it would have been an attack of some sort, but my aroused suspicion over emailing about how I am ‘big on safety’ will have made them back off. I also took my dad with me so there were a car and a van so if I was being watched then this would have made them not bother!!

The scam was basically offering a DREAM job working with horses. This lady supposedly lived in Alderly Edge Cheshire on Whitebarn Road.
She described the job in details and how she would offer £20 per hour, would have the opportunity to compete abroad with her horses all expenses paid etc.

I went to the house and it was just an ordinary family who looked bewildered when I asked for Catalina Williams!!!

Police are investigating it now. I sent them all of my emails from them, including the google map images she sent with directions to the house. This person did a LOT of research and was very clever as they new that when you typed the post code in on google maps… it only brings up the road and not which house it is… no body else would know that!!!

This we believe would have been either a mugging, sexual attack or theft of a car – its quite vague however very very scary!!!!

If I can help in any other way please let me know.

P.S I asked the local post man me and my dad saw if there was anyone with that name in the area… no was the answer… and I asked 2 home owners on the road and the post man were there any horses on that road or in the area… no was the answer again.

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