by Snixon
Thu Jul 14, 2011 5:01 am
Hi Guys,
Only just registered in a desperate attempt to get some advice! I saw an advedrta while back for a ‘horse to loan’. I contacted the ladyvia email as I was looking for one and it sounded perfect. Anyway long story short this lady is very very wealthy and has her own land and all her own horses etc which her and her family go to America and Germany to compete etc. This fell through and she stopped emailing me. Then by chance I thought in may im gonna email her again! and she mailed back!! Telling me she was looking for help again around September time as one of her girls was going to uni. She said I can come and visit for a loan or I could have a full time job with her. I adore horses so it would be my dream job, To help care for the horses and compete them abroad. She offers £20 per hour which is ideal for me!!!
Anyway all I know is her name and address (if this is true information) I am supposed to be going to her house Saturday at 11am to meet the horses and her and take it from there. I have asked for a contact number but I am still awaiting reply via email and Saturday is very near now!! Im worried it’s a psycho or something? Am I being paranoid???
It just all seems a bit too good to be true. I cant not go incase it’s the real thing and I miss out but is it safe to go? I was thinking about taking my dad and pretending my car was being serviced that’s why he was with me? She hasn’t asked me for ANY personal details at all apart from my work with horses so maybe it is legitimate??? Help please guys!!!
Only just registered in a desperate attempt to get some advice! I saw an advedrta while back for a ‘horse to loan’. I contacted the ladyvia email as I was looking for one and it sounded perfect. Anyway long story short this lady is very very wealthy and has her own land and all her own horses etc which her and her family go to America and Germany to compete etc. This fell through and she stopped emailing me. Then by chance I thought in may im gonna email her again! and she mailed back!! Telling me she was looking for help again around September time as one of her girls was going to uni. She said I can come and visit for a loan or I could have a full time job with her. I adore horses so it would be my dream job, To help care for the horses and compete them abroad. She offers £20 per hour which is ideal for me!!!
Anyway all I know is her name and address (if this is true information) I am supposed to be going to her house Saturday at 11am to meet the horses and her and take it from there. I have asked for a contact number but I am still awaiting reply via email and Saturday is very near now!! Im worried it’s a psycho or something? Am I being paranoid???
It just all seems a bit too good to be true. I cant not go incase it’s the real thing and I miss out but is it safe to go? I was thinking about taking my dad and pretending my car was being serviced that’s why he was with me? She hasn’t asked me for ANY personal details at all apart from my work with horses so maybe it is legitimate??? Help please guys!!!