by Troy Platt
Sat Jan 01, 2022 5:50 pm
From: Schneider Isabelle <[email protected]>
Subject: Hola
Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2022 11:09:22 +0100
Google translation:
Subject: Hola
Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2022 11:09:22 +0100
Le escribo de buena fe y espero que comprenda la importancia de mi correo electrónico. Mi decisión de comunicarme con usted se debe a que recientemente me diagnosticaron cáncer y el médico dijo que me quedan menos de 8 semanas de vida. Desde que se me anunció esta repentina noticia, he estado reflexionando sobre mi vida en el pasado.
Es doloroso que después de más de 24 años de matrimonio pacífico con mi difunto esposo, no tuviéramos ningún hijo propio que heredara nuestras numerosas riquezas. En el pasado, hice donaciones razonables a las víctimas del terremoto y COVID 19 en Haití y recientemente a las mismas víctimas en Filipinas, Japón y Tailandia.
Ahora que mi salud se está deteriorando gradualmente, ya no puedo seguir haciendo todo esto por mí mismo. Tengo un gran deseo de llegar a las personas pobres y necesitadas, pero preferiría continuar esto con la ayuda de una persona amable. Quiero que responda las siguientes preguntas,
(1) ¿eres una persona temerosa de Dios?
(2) Si le doy ($ 12.5MUSD) doce millones quinientos mil dólares estadounidenses, ¿podrá utilizarlos sabiamente para lograr mi deseo de apoyar a los pobres que lo rodean?
(3) ¿Abrirá una fundación de caridad a nombre de mi esposo y 1?
Por favor, respóndeme lo antes posible con mi correo electrónico privado.
([email protected])
Sra. Schneider Isabelle
Google translation:
I am writing to you in good faith and I hope you understand the importance of my email. My decision to contact you is because I was recently diagnosed with cancer and the doctor said I have less than 8 weeks to live. Ever since this sudden news was announced to me, I have been reflecting on my life in the past.
It is painful that after more than 24 years of peaceful marriage to my late husband, we did not have any children of our own to inherit our many riches. In the past, I have made reasonable donations to the victims of the earthquake and COVID 19 in Haiti and recently to the same victims in the Philippines, Japan, and Thailand.
Now that my health is gradually deteriorating, I can no longer do all this on my own. I have a great desire to reach out to poor and needy people, but I would rather continue this with the help of a kind person. I want you to answer the following questions,
(1) are you a God fearing person?
(2) If I give you ($ 12.5MUSD) twelve million five hundred thousand US dollars, will you be able to use it wisely to achieve my desire to support the poor around you?
(3) Will you open a charitable foundation in the name of my husband and 1?
Please reply to me as soon as possible with my private email.
([email protected])
Mrs. Schneider Isabelle
Google is your friend!
Every email I've posted is a scam. Contacting the email addresses associated with my posts may lead to a loss of money for you. Do not let the scammers know they are posted here!
Every email I've posted is a scam. Contacting the email addresses associated with my posts may lead to a loss of money for you. Do not let the scammers know they are posted here!