Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Troy Platt Tue Feb 15, 2022 10:34 am
Reply-To: [email protected]
From: SunTrust Bank <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2022 11:46:58 +0100

SunTrust Bank - USA
Address: 303 Peachtreet St, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30308 USA
This is from SunTrust bank

Atlanta Georgia,
Congratulations you been

selected as one of the

winner of the new batch

SunTrust empowerment

foundation and you have
been awarded (US$7,500,000.00
USD) kindly provide the

information needed below

for the creation of your

account and (CHECK)

containing your Reward
Your Email Address___?
Your full Name ___?
YOUR Nearest Airport ____?
Your Home Address ___?
Your Next of kin ___?
Your Phone Number___?
Your age____?
Best regards

Mr.Steven Kravitz
Email office.
([email protected],)

([email protected])
Whatsapp: (+1 (508) 622 5806
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
SunTrust Bank - USA
(Privacy Policy, Terms, Satisfaction and Banking Accuracy)

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