by Ian Page
Thu Mar 24, 2022 1:21 pm
From: [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
Subject: I investigated why you have not recessed your fund which is the sum of $10.5m here in Nigeria and I discovered that you have not been told the truth all the while
Received: Thu 24 Mar 2022 at 10:09
I investigated why you have not recessed your fund which is the sum of
$10.5m here in Nigeria and I discovered that you have not been told
the truth all the while, You do you know that the Distance between you
and receiving your fund is just $295 i know this will surprise you but
that is the truth of the matter.
This $295 Dollars is just a cost for CAUTIONS AND INDEX RELEASE
Certificate, it does not cost more than this and no one will tell you
this truth but what every one of them wanted is to reap from you of
your hard aim money.
So, if you believe that you can trust me then $295 is the What it will
only cost you for you to get your long overdue payment.
If you are truly want to receive your fund kindly forward to us all
this information below:
1. Your Full Name------
2. Your Full Contact Address---------
3. Your Bank Account details where your fund will be transfer into-------------
4. Your Direct Telephone Number for easy communication.
5. Your Occupation---.
6. one of your Passport or Id card for identification.
barrister Roye douy