Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ian Page Fri Mar 25, 2022 3:33 pm
From: [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
Subject: Payment Notification
Received: Tue 15 Mar 2022 at 10:29

From Federal Bureau of Investigation Headquarters Washington, DC 20535
United States Update March 4th 2022.

We sincerely apologize for sending you this sensitive information via
e-mail instead of a certified mail or a face-to-face conversation, it
is due to the urgency and importance of the security information

Federal Bureau of Investigation Headquarters and World Bank Group
Washington, DC in conjunction with others Security Investigation
Agencies in the United States advise you to contact Wintrust Community
Banks, ATM Payment officer with information listed bellow and request
the delivery of ATM Card to you immediately because the Master ATM
card worth your full payment of US$200,000,000. 00 in your name is
100% genuine with due process of law, and it is well free from all
illegal activities which you have the lawful right to receive the
credit card from DHL Company as soon as you send payment of US$299.00
to DHL Accountant agent ,.... Contact the bellow bank in charges of
your $200 million to advise you the address of the receiver today
before they will send you the visa card as soon as you send the fees
to them.

Wintrust Community Bank ATM CENTER
Address: 717 West Sprague Silver Spring MD 20906 USA
Contact Person: Mr. Peter F. Stanton, Chairman and CEO
Washington Trust Bank, Payment officer
Phone number : +1 725) 867-9535

All Contract payment Fund Unit Department Switzerland client have
receive their Master card from DHL Company and your own Master card is
only delay here.

Mr. Kenneth Raymond Best from Australia have send the
Delivery/Insurance Fee US$299 to DHL Accountant Agent and as am
writing to you now Mr. Kenneth Best just receive the Master ATM Card
worth US $39.5Million from Washington Trust Bank on 17th January
2018, if you think we lie, just type:: www.dhl.com and enter shipment
tracking number at 9695277594 for more proof So the Federal Bureau of
Investigation Headquarters advise you to send the US$299 direct to DHL
Accountant Agent , as Washington Trust Bank instructed you and if you
do not receive your Washington Trust Bank Master atm credit card
worth US$200,000,000.00 in your name once you send the fee, The
Director General of Washington Trust Bank Mr. Peter F. Stanton, and
Mr. Wu Hongbo at United Nations Headquarters New York shall be
held responsible for the loss and this shall invite a penalty of
US$500,000.00 only which will be made PAYABLE to you (The payment
Winner) according to agreement sign on your behalf in the supreme
High Court of Justice Washington DC United States.

We also confirm that the Mr. Peter F. Stanton Master ATM card you
will receive from DHL Courier Company will functions in any AUTOMATIC
ATM Machine in your country or any part of worldwide with Maximum
amount of US$15,000 per day withdrawal and you can use the ATM card
transfer money to any bank of your choice in the USA/Worldwide with
maximum amount of US$350,000 per day transaction through any ATM
Machine Transfer online guiding, also you can purchase stuffs online
with the ATM Credit card convince at your time as its secure and safe
till you cash full payment of US$200,000,000.00 credited on your
behalf from United Nations Fund Unit Department united states of

Federal Bureau of Investigation Headquarters advise you to go ahead
send the US$299.00 direct to DHL Accountant as Washington Trust Bank
instructed you so that your own ATM Master card will be delivered to
you this week And be final informed that after 48 hours two days and
you did not send the fee as instructed, Bear in mind that your
approved payment sum of US $200,000,000.00 must cancel back and send
as government properties payment file here in the United States of
America to avoid lost the payment to scammers.

Thank you very much for your co-operation as we earnestly await your
urgent response to this matter.
Best Regards

God Bless you all .
F.B.I Special Agent
Mr.Christopher .W. Ray.

Payment Notification

FBI Headquarters
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20035-0001.

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