Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ian Page Fri Mar 25, 2022 3:42 pm
From: [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
Whats App: +1 (715) 400-6720
Subject: Re: Change of Beneficiary Double Payment Counter Claim Notice.
Received: Sun 13 Mar 2022 at 08:07

International Monetary Fund
Payment Policy Harmonization Committee
International Monetary Fund (IMF) & WAMI Office
United Nations (UN) & World Bank Approved Payment Committee
WAMI Website: https://www.wami-imao.org, IMF Website: https://www.imf.org

Honorable Beneficiary,

Ref: Change of Beneficiary Double Payment Counter Claim Notice.

Be informed that Mr. Park Kwang Myong from South Korea visited our corresponding paying Bank Gulf International Bank (GIB) B.S.C. (UK) Limited today with a Power of Attorney, an Affidavit Support of Payment Claim and Funds Payment Claim Application Letter given in his favor by your good self, granting him the benefit to process and claim your overdue inherited Funds after the Banking due process.

His South Korean Passport Number is: M22475171 and he further stated that your Online Bank Account be terminated while the Funds should be wire transferred into his Bank Account details and also instructed the Bank not to contact you because you are critically sick lying in a hospital bed with a terrible health condition.

Bank Account Name: Park Kwang Myong.
Bank Account Number: 25312548555.
Branch Code: XXX.
Bank Website: https://www.ibk.co.kr/.

The DOUBLE PAYMENT COUNTER CLAIM came to us with a huge shock and the entire management of the Bank made a unanimous decision to contact you first and ascertain that you are aware of this current development about the Funds before further transfer to the new beneficiaries Bank Account details.

Our corresponding paying Bank has asked Mr. Park Kwang Myong to return back to the Bank within 48 hours to enable us to have a personal confirmation from you being hitherto the beneficiary. You are hereby advised to respond to below questions immediately.

(1) Did you instruct Mr. Park Kwang Myong to put a claim over your overdue inherited Funds with a Power of Attorney from you ?.
(2) Are you critically sick lying in a hospital bed with terrible health conditions ?.
(3) Have you instructed him to pay the required fee and claim your overdue inherited Funds ?.

We are sincerely sorry to have delayed your instruction in giving out these Funds since we must adhere to the Modus Operandi, Ethics, Guidelines and Banking Rules of this Honorable Bank by making sure this request is verified and confirmed by the original beneficiary and our Legal team of the Lawyers Department.

Your Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) Card and documents parcel was registered with Delta Cargo / Courier Services Company to enable them to deliver it to your doorstep. Contact Delta Cargo / Courier Services Company agent on this WhatsApp Number: +1 (715) 400-6720 and request for your ATM Card Parcel Tracking Number, please note that you must pay a non negotiable delivery fee of US$ 95 ONLY and we advise you to act urgently.

The security of your data and transactions is crucial to us, we therefore apply one of the best Security Standards Available (128 bit SSL), this (SSL) applies to the SECURED Business Transaction. You are advised NOT to accept any Email, Text message or Whats app message or Telephone calls that do not come with this Security Code ( SSL-128 ).

Reconfirm below details immediately to this Email Address: [email protected], Whats App: +1 (715) 400-6720.
(1) Your Full Names:
(2) Your Current Address:
(3) Your Direct Telephone / Whats App Numbers:
(4) Amount Owed to you and overdue for Payment:
(5) Copy of your Identification.such as International Passport, National Identity Card of Drivers License.

Tobias Adrian (Financial Counselor / Chairperson)
Inter bank Financial Payment Policy Harmonization Committee
Under the Financial Surveillance Integration Department of WAMI & IMF.

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