Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ian Page Fri Apr 01, 2022 4:21 am
From: [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
Subject: $U$250,000.00 Relief Fund
Received: Fri 1 Apr 2022 at 08:21

IMF Fund,Relief.U$250,000.00

Attention Dear Winner:

The IMF is providing financial assistance and debt service relief to
member countries facing the economic impact of the COVID-19
pandemic.This page provides an overview of assistance approved by the
IMF’s Executive Board since late March 2020 under its various lending
facilities and debt service relief financed by the Catastrophe
Containment and Relief Trust (CCRT). Overall, the IMF is currently
making about $250 billion, a quarter of its $1 trillion lending
capacity, available to member countries.

Your email was among the lucky Account to win the sum of
$250,000.00Usd Covid19 fund relief, as part of the IMF program to help
reduce the economic crisis that this pandemic has brought upon the
world since March 2020.

Note: No tickets were sold, Your email address is one of the lucky
emails, Selected randomly via E-wheel Computer Ballot System drawn
from over 1 Million companies and individual email addresses, from all
over the world., and your share of $250,000.00 USD was approved, and
it has been submitted with CIA for immediate delivery to your home

To safe-guard our beneficiaries from further extortion of unnecessary
payments, we advise that you establish contacts with our CIA attorney,
a human rights lawyer/ Activists, who will render free legal services
to all listed. In other words, he requires no consultation, legal or
service fee to ensure that you are on the right track to receive your
funds without being misled. He is very much conversant with the
delivery/banking law and will guide you through.

Hence you are to contact the CIA special agent Mrs Rosemary Landis
with this email ([email protected]/
[email protected] ) to guard you on how to receive your
Premium MasterCard ,Kindly contact here with your information for the
delivery to your home address.

Full Name:
Home Address:
Phone Number:
Identification Card for security Reason.

Please indicate this Code (IMF/WDC/1109/0320 for her as it has been
issued to allow her to know that she is dealing with a right person
and the original fund owner of the $250,000.00.

Once you contact her, tell her to give you instructions on how to
receive your Premium MASTERCARD.

IMF Adviser,
Public Relation Matters

Please: If You Receive This Message In Your Junk Or Spam It's Due To
Your internet Provider.

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