Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ian Page Sun Apr 03, 2022 7:16 am
From: [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
Subject: Dear Beneficiary Did You Send Them?
Received: Sun 3 Apr 2022 at 11:13

Tel: Highly Confidential.
16 Walter Carrington St. Ikoyi Lagos-Nigeria.
From the Desk of Chief. Tony Elumelu GCON.
Official Web Account: [email protected]
Our Ref: FGN/OHG/OXD1/2016

ATTN: Beneficiary,

Re: Release/Transfer Notice of your Approved Funds (US$3,000,000.00). May you remain favored and I pray that this email will find you in Good Spirits and of course always in the best of health.

This letter will definitely be amazing to you because of its realistic value.

Sorry for the inconveniences that was rendered to you in your line of Inheritance Payment transaction with some Nigerian Officials some while ago.

Without taking much of your time, my name is Chief. Tony Elumelu, the Honorable Paymaster General of The Federal Republic of Nigeria (UBA). Presently we are being paid by the American government in other to avert Scam and also to avert beneficiary funds delays here in Nigeria, So far, we have succeeded in Settling (Mrs. Ann Keyser, Mr. Edward Drake, Mr. Caleb Jones etc.
Your Funds were returned to the Federal Government Treasury some while ago because you did not finalize your claim for it.

A week ago, the Presidency and The Federal Executive Council collectively agreed to release the sum of US$3,000,000.00 to you but to our surprise you sent down your representatives Mr. Tim Parker and Mr. Rowland Gulf to collect this Fund on your behalf, this morning.

For the fact that this Committee is faithfully in my full governance as the Honorable Paymaster General of The Federal Republic of Nigeria, i will like you to give me the authority to transfer your Funds into their own Bank Account in Singapore (Asia).

We await your immediate response via email and telephone .Reply to:
[email protected]
Officially Sealed,

Chief. Tony Elumelu.
The Honorable Paymaster General.

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