by Ian Page
Wed Apr 06, 2022 7:03 am
From: [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
Tel No.: +995-32-444-444
Received: Tue 5 Apr 2022 at 23:20
From The Desk of Mrs. Nancy Sieger
Chief Information Officer to Internal Revenue Service
Federal Executive Council Washington DC USA
Dated: Tuesday, April 5, 2022
Greetings Unpaid Beneficiary,
This is to officially inform you that I have completed the verification process on your contract/inheritance file presently on my desk, and I found out that you are yet to receive your overdue payment due to lack of cooperation and your inability to fulfill the transfer obligations given to you in respect to your outstanding contract/inheritance payment. As the CIO, I oversee all information technology across the entire agency, including ensuring that our technology is secure and integrated with IRS systems.
After the board meeting held at our headquarters, in-conjunction with the World Bank External Auditors Committee, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Union (E.U), we have resolved in finding a solution to your problem and as you may know it, we have agreed and arranged that your overdue payment valued at Thirty Million Seven Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (US$30.7M), will be paid directly to you via Bank to Bank Wire Transfer through the World Bank Reserved Account with the Bank Of Georgia Tbilisi.
In consideration of the above, you have been issued with this Exclusive Reference Identification Number: (WBG/FRB-NY/9USXX10751/09), International Payment Voucher Number: WBG/FRBWDC/CTY-93WB82UN567-G, Transfer Allocation No: FRB/X44/701LN/NYC/GA, Password: 339331, Pin Code: 78569, Certificate of Merit No: 104, Release Code No: 0876; Secret Code: XXTN014. Having received these vital payment numbers, you are instantly qualified to confirm and receive your overdue payment within the next 96hrs.
As necessary clearance has been granted by the World Bank External Auditors to release your overdue funds to you with immediate effect through the World Bank Reserved Account with the Bank of Georgia Tbilisi, you are hereby required to urgently contact the Deputy CEO/Chief Financial Officer of Bank Of Georgia Tbilisi via his contact information given below for immediate processing of your funds.
Contact Name: Mr. Sulkhan Gvalia
Contact Email: [email protected]
Hotline: +995-32-444-444
Owing to security reasons, be clearly informed that the paying bank will not respond to any phone calls/general inquiries placed to their bank with regards to the remittance of your funds by beneficiaries as they are barred from doing so. Therefore, it is advisable that you should communicate only with the accredited officer in person of Mr. Sulkhan Gvalia, for further remittance advice on your outstanding fund.
Kindly re-confirm your information to Mr. Sulkhan Gvalia via his email as stated above in order to enable him proceed with the preliminary arrangements that will enhance the immediate release of your overdue funds. (1) YOUR FULL NAME: (2) FULL ADDRESS: (3) DOB: (4) DIRECT CELL/MOBILE: (5) PRIVATE EMAIL: (6) OCCUPATION: (7) COPY OF ANY VALID IDENTIFICATION CARD: together with your Payment Transaction Code No which is (0021918) for the immediate processing and transfer of your outstanding fund without further delays as soon as you have fulfilled your payment obligations.
Please be informed that the Wire Transfer Fee/Charges for the transfer of your outstanding funds directly into your bank account has already been paid by the World Bank Group. Therefore, all you are required to do now as the rightful beneficiary of the approved funds is for you to obtain the NON-RESIDENT INTERNATIONAL TRANSFER PERMIT (N.I.T.P) from the Ministry of Finance of Georgia (MOF) through the assistance of a Legal Adviser. Bear in mind that without this transfer permit the Bank of Georgia Tbilisi, will not be able to transfer your overdue outstanding funds out of Georgia Tbilisi .
Take Note: The required (N.I.T.P) stands in as an instruction/authorization payment release order being issued by the Government of Georgia. Therefore, if you are not willing or eligible to obtain the above-mentioned certificate from the Ministry of Finance of Georgia (MOF), please do not contact the paying bank in order to avoid time wasting in communication. You are also advised to keep your transaction with the Bank of Georgia Tbilisi, highly Private & Confidential due to a lot of Impersonators/ fraudsters. Never disclose your ongoing transaction to anyone or any 3rd parties until this transaction has been completed and your total outstanding funds valued USD$30,700,000.00 has been transferred to you successfully.
Thank you for your attention and anticipated cooperation which are meant for your sole benefit, as your quick response to this email notice with adherence to the above instructions is highly anticipated.
NB; If you received this message in your SPAM/BULK folder that is because of the restrictions implemented by your Internet Service Provider as we the Federal Executive Council Washington DC urge you to treat it genuinely.
Best Regards
Mrs. Nancy Sieger
Chief Information Officer to Internal Revenue Service
Federal Executive Council Washington DC USA