by Ian Page
Wed Apr 06, 2022 6:22 pm
The UNITED NATIONS foreign Auditors that are presently in our bank for the second quarter of 2022 fund transfer verification exercise have mandated us to find out if your fund amounting One Million Five hundred thousand Dollars only(US$1,500,000.00) has been credited to your nominated BANK ACCOUNT as reported in their database ?
Confirm the status to us by e-mail as urgent as possible because the status of your file have confirmed that you have received your fund into your bank account.
If I did not receive any response from you within the next 48 working Hours(2 days),we shall assume that your (US$1,500,000.00) has been successfully received by you. I look forward to receiving a response from you so that we can summit our report to the UNITED NATIONS.
Reconfirm YOUR FULL NAME,MOBILE PHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS for further information details
Thanks you.
Yours Faithfully,
Teresa Cox