Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ian Page Thu Apr 07, 2022 10:54 am
From: [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
Received: Thu 7 Apr 2022 at 11:48

From:Mr. Edward L. Adamu (Board Member)
Deputy Governor, Corporate Services Directorate
Central Bank of Nigeria
Business Address: Tinubu Square
P.M.B. 12194 CMS Lagos Island
Lagos Nigeria

Payment Notice.

Dear Fund Beneficiary,

This is to remind you once again about your outstanding payment of
US$10,500,000.00 only which is already approved for wire transfer to
your bank account. You are therefore advised to immediately respond to
this email with your full current details such as:

Your full current address
Your banking details
Your Telephone Number

Upon receipt of the above your fund wire transfer will be fully
processed and wired to your bank account immediately the legal
practitioner secure some back up documents on your behalf to back up
the smooth wire transfer. get back to me immediately and STOP all your
dealings with any other persons or office.


Mr. Edward L. Adamu (Board Member)
Deputy Governor, Corporate Services Directorate
Central Bank of Nigeria

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