Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ralph Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:14 am
I have a new email address!

You can now email me at: [email protected]

- Good Day, My name is Vine.C.Akim, branch manager of a bank known as NATIONAL INVESTMENT BANK OF GHANA LTD,(NIB). I discovered that our foreign customer who died in plane some years ago left the sum of (THIRTEEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS) without a next of kin to his funds and he has no known family. The bank will keep the funds if it remains unclaimed which will only favor the bank, so I decided to look for a foreigner that will agree to inherit the funds while I prepare grounds for the claim. I deem it important to assure you that the terms of this transactions is legal and genuine and will be carried out officially too. The claim itself is overdue and will be given prompt attention by the bank upon your request while l give you exclusive details and support from here. I am ready to give you 15% of the funds for your support while 5% goes for the expenses that may occur during the transaction and I also guarantee the safety of your name and details. I'll give you every details you may need to know upon getting your response. Thanks.Vine.C.Akim.

Of course he has a new email address, he sent so many scam mails from the last one that it got shut down.

This ttime, to try something different i did a search on the money value involved in this scam, you can review the results by Clicking Here

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