Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ian Page Mon Apr 11, 2022 2:35 pm
From: [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
Received: Mon 11 Apr 2022 at 18:04

Bank of America Headquarters 100 N. Tryon St. Charlotte, NC 28255


Attention: Fund Beneficiary,

Good day, this is the inform you that we received a massage today from the
United Nation Chairman Mr António Guterres and IMF Mrs Kristalina
Georgieva also from the FBI Mr Christopher A. Wray, They all sent us a
massages with an order to pay you your Inheritance payment funds worth
$10 million through ATM card delivery or method of your choice, and
the UN government and the IMF are compensating you with this full
amount of $10,000,000.00 U.S.D via ATM Visa card, Because your name and
your email address were found in the list of scam victim with their
records, So my dear we want you to get back to us with your current
home address, and your telephone working number, because the card need
to be on transit immediately once the due process is done,

And we the Bank Of America has agreed with the United Nation Chairman
Mr António Guterres and IMF Mrs Kristalina Georgieva also from the FBI
Mr Christopher A. Wray that the only fee you are required to pay us in
transaction is $100 been needed for secure your Fund Ownership
Certificate from the federal high court, So you have to proceed to make
sure you get back to us with the payment of $100 been needed to
obtain your Fund Ownership Certificate from the federal court, So
that we will activation your ATM card and have it deliver to your home
without any other require fee or delay in this transaction,

However, we'll like to let you know that the $100 we required for your
Fund Ownership Certificate can only be paid through any gift card of
your choice or via Bitcoin.

So kindly Get back to us with the payment copy of the gift card or the
card code as soon as you send the required $100 for your Fund
Ownership Certificate fee today.So that your ATM card will be on
transit immediately.

You have to reconfirm to us your full home address were to deliver
of your ATM Card to you once you send this fee today.

1. Full name:.......................
2. Full address:....................
3. Home/Office telephone number:....
4. Age:.............................
5. Occupation:......................
6. Position:........................
7. ID Passport....................

Seconding Make sure you forwarded to us your full home address
were you want the delivery take a place as soon as you receive this

Thanks for banking with Bank of America while we looking forward
to serving you with the best of our service.


Yours in Service,

Mr Brian Moynihan
Chairman of the Board
and Chief Executive Officer
Bank of America Corporation

by Ian Page Mon Apr 11, 2022 5:57 pm
From: [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
Received: Mon 11 Apr 2022 at 22:31

Bank of America Headquarters 100 N. Tryon St. Charlotte, NC 28255


Attention: Fund Beneficiary,

Good day, this is the inform you that we received a massage today from the
United Nation Chairman Mr António Guterres and IMF Mrs Kristalina
Georgieva also from the FBI Mr Christopher A. Wray, They all sent us a
massages with an order to pay you your Inheritance payment funds worth
$10 million through ATM card delivery or method of your choice, and
the UN government and the IMF are compensating you with this full
amount of $10,000,000.00 U.S.D via ATM Visa card, Because your name and
your email address were found in the list of scam victim with their
records, So my dear we want you to get back to us with your current
home address, and your telephone working number, because the card need
to be on transit immediately once the due process is done,

And we the Bank Of America has agreed with the United Nation Chairman
Mr António Guterres and IMF Mrs Kristalina Georgieva also from the FBI
Mr Christopher A. Wray that the only fee you are required to pay us in
transaction is $100 been needed for secure your Fund Ownership
Certificate from the federal high court, So you have to proceed to make
sure you get back to us with the payment of $100 been needed to
obtain your Fund Ownership Certificate from the federal court, So
that we will activation your ATM card and have it deliver to your home
without any other require fee or delay in this transaction,

However, we'll like to let you know that the $100 we required for your
Fund Ownership Certificate can only be paid through any gift card of
your choice or via Bitcoin.

So kindly Get back to us with the payment copy of the gift card or the
card code as soon as you send the required $100 for your Fund
Ownership Certificate fee today.So that your ATM card will be on
transit immediately.

You have to reconfirm to us your full home address were to deliver
of your ATM Card to you once you send this fee today.

1. Full name:.......................
2. Full address:....................
3. Home/Office telephone number:....
4. Age:.............................
5. Occupation:......................
6. Position:........................
7. ID Passport....................

Seconding Make sure you forwarded to us your full home address
were you want the delivery take a place as soon as you receive this

Thanks for banking with Bank of America while we looking forward
to serving you with the best of our service.


Yours in Service,

Mr Brian Moynihan
Chairman of the Board
and Chief Executive Officer
Bank of America Corporation

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