Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ian Page Thu Apr 14, 2022 2:06 pm
From: [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
Subject: Your Approved Payment
Received: Thu 14 Apr 2022 at 02:56

International Monetary Fund

Attn: Beneficiary

This is to notify you formally that the International Monetary Fund
(IMF) in collaboration with World Bank Group has approved Your
lotto/Contract and inheritance Funds US$3,800,000.

We tried transferring the above amount directly to your Bank Account
in our File , but could not get through. We have to open a Bank
Account with Bank Name : First National Bank USA with Account Number

You are to contact Our tested and trusted office : Mr. Mason William
on his private Email: [email protected] , with your Banking
Information for her to get your transfer completed into your nominated
Bank Account or Via ATM CARD without any further delay .

Note: Your US$3,800,000 was successfully Transferred into First
National Bank USA USA Account Number : 40188301445.
You are to contact her today with security code : ( IMFWB22022)
Please Do not shear this code with anyone but Mr. Mason William only
for security reason


Christy Mccool
[email protected]

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