Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ian Page Sat Apr 16, 2022 2:30 pm
From: [email protected]3
Subject: Hello
Received: Sat 16 Apr 2022 at 16:32

Hello Dear

First and foremost I would like to wish you and your family goodwill in this challenging time of Covid-19 pandemic and I hope you and your family are well and keeping safe. My name is James Cole,an Attorney and a broker with one of South African Wealth Management Companies. I got your contact (along with a few other contacts) through an online business directory to present a glorious proposal of opportunity for an available investment fund.

One of my high profile clients is interested in investing a considerable amount of funds and assets abroad and has mandated me to source for individuals and companies with viable business ideas and projects that he can invest in.

Please kindly respond back to this email if you have viable projects and are interested in this opportunity respectively. Once I receive your response, I will give you more details and we can plan a strategy that will be beneficial to all parties.

Best regards,

James Cole

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