Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ian Page Wed Apr 27, 2022 4:02 am
From: [email protected]
Received: Wed 27 Apr 2022 at 08:25

Attention: Dear.

Why do you abandon your ATM Visa card worth of $4.5Million USD here since?
I am here to inform you that your ATM Visa card is ready to send to you once I hear from you.You can withdrawal your fund in any ATM machine all over the world in the amount of $20.000.00 per day.
So, fill below gaps to avoid send your ATM Visa card to wrong person.

(1) Your full name:::::::
(2) Your full home address::::
(3) Your home Telephone number:::::
(4) Your WhatsApp number::::
(5) Your Office number:::
(6) Your City:::::
(7) Your Country:::::::
(8) Your Occupation:::
(9) Your Sex/ Age
(10) Your copy of your passport or I'd

We need this to avoid send your ATM Visa card to wrong person.

Thank you for your understanding.

Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards,

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