Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ian Page Mon May 02, 2022 5:02 pm
From: United Nation Compensation Commission - [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
WhatsApp No.: +79660390373
Subject: United Nation Compensation Commission
Received: Sun 1 May 2022 at 11:36

United Nation Compensation Commission
Dr. Griffin Philip,
UN Agent Officer

Attn: Beneficiary,

My name is Griffin Philip, Newly posted to Russia from the international monetary fund in Russia office. Because of the donation activities of some of the officials at the Central database monitoring unit and our office in Russia. I have been directed to observe the payment of foreign beneficiaries of contract, donations fund and inheritance claim funds. I have observed a floating inheritance payment in your name here where I work as an investigative director but the payment was designated to this address:

Full name: Luzia Dorothy
Home address: Schuepisstrasse 127
Telephone number: 052 615 69 50
Country of origin: Switzerland
Occupation: Teacher

I decided to contact you because I observed that there is a power of attorney in your file authorizing the delivery of this funds Amount 5.5 Million us dollars to one Mrs. Luzia Dorothy in Switzerland address! But the signature in the power of attorney is different from the signature in your file which is an illegal attempt to divert the funds by delivering it to Mrs. Luzia Dorothy address in Switzerland.

Please confirm if you have authorized the delivery of these funds to Switzerland address as we have authorization to deliver funds to the beneficiaries of funds discounting all charge attached from the sources. If you have authorized your funds to be delivered to the above stated address, please contact me urgently. But if know you did not authorize anyone. Below is the information you are expected to re-confirm for the delivery of these funds to you through our first class diplomatic mist without any hesitation in delivering the funds to you.

(1) Your full name.....
(2) Home address..............
(3) Occupation.................
(4) Telephone number
(5) Country of nationality...............

I await your urgent response to this office immediately.
Thanks Mr. Griffin Philip
Contact our whatsapp number +79660390373

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