Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ian Page Wed May 04, 2022 7:43 am
Reply to: [email protected]
Subject: (No subject)
Received: Tue 3 May 2022 at 16:34

From Financial Security Bureau Authority
And Bureau Solicitor Authority Desk
DC1 1200, One UN Plaza,
Washington DC 10017,1775 K Street
NW United State Of America
Our Ref:SFSA/EU8/PY10

Make Your Time Read And Reply Bank Now Sir/Mam,

Compliment of the season to you, we wish to congratulate and inform
you that after review of all delayed and all unclaimed funds from the
listed below; lottery funds, contract Inheritance, Compensation funds,
etc., your payment file was forwarded to the International Remittance
Units for the immediate payment of US$2,500,000.00 with the
compensation Ref No: SFSA/EU8/PY10/#2022.

The auditors and Digital report shows that you have been going through
hard times by paying a lot of money to certain groups of individuals
for the transfer of funds to your bank account, ATM Card mailing, and
Cashier Check, all which has been delayed by some dubious officials.

This time, we observed through our Internet Satellite Digital Point
that you were been contacted by the some Banks here in America, some
Individual, Securities Agencies and some Delivering Company about your
unpaid fund. But please we need to know if you have received your
total fund from any of the mentioned firm before now or not?

Look, none of them is legit and so we humble advised to stop any
further communication with any correspondence outside this office for
now to enable us Investigate this matter very well because we must get
some of them arrested and Prosecutes them to a Law Court where they
will be cast into Imprisonment for Impersonation and Defrauding your
humble self.

For your information, you do not have to pay any money or fee to
receive your funds to any one except the Legal Endorsement and Signing
Service of the obtainable Documents to be Sign and Endorse that will
only cost the sum of the $150 from you since you have met up with the
whole funds transfer requirements and your Banker shall call you for
the confirmation's of this after the payment.

If anybody ask you for any other payment after the payment of the
$100, do not write or listen to us again! Once you follow our
directives towards this transaction, you will receive your total
approved sum of the US$2,500,000.00 being credited immediately into
your bank account within the next three (3) working days and transfer
copies forwarded to you and your bankers for confirmation.

The payment of this US$2,500,000.00 shall Credit and Reflect into your
Bank Account within 3 working days. We shall contact you with our
official mail services once hears from you therefore get back to us
now so we shall forward your Bank ID in your behalf. Look, this sum of
the $100 remains the only Penny and Cent you will be ask to pay
towards this transaction.

Finally, remember we are abide by Equity, Justice and Fairness to
serve you with all humility and promote Human Right column and so do
get back to us now because you will surely and for sure will receive
your total fund within 72hours being 3working days, this is the time
frame given to us once you work according to our directive to you.

Yours sincerely,
Mr.James Mark
Financial Services Bureau, USA
E-Mail; [email protected]

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