Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ian Page Wed May 11, 2022 12:04 pm
From: [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
Subject: URGENT !!!
Received: Wed 11 May 2022 at 16:31

Hello top of the day to you !my name is Ivan Kojie I have been
instructed to send to you the information submitted by Mr. John Tsai
of Indo-China group Ltd, with an application to receive the payment on
your behalf. Please as a matter of urgency, you are required to verify
the following information and inform us if you are aware or know
anything about this change of account particulars.

1. Did you instruct one Mr. John Tsai of Indo-China group
Ltd.Hong-Kong, whose information's is below, to claim and receive the
payment on your behalf ?

2. Did you sign any "Deed of Transfer" in his favor thereby making him
the current beneficiary of TEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED Thousand United
States Dollars (USD $10,500,000.00) with the following account
details: Account Name: Indo-China Group Ltd, A/C #USD114-1025567-8,
Bank Name: Standard Chattered Bank,Hong Kong, Swift Code: SCBL11K111.

Finally, You are hereby advised to indicate to this honorable office
with immediate effect, if you are the person that instructed Mr. John
Tsai to come for the claim of these funds, to enable me endorse the
final payment Approval on his behalf.

We wait to hear from you soonest, and be rest assured of our
professional service. Protect your funds by replying to this e-mail
address for confidential reason so that John Tsai will not take
possession of your funds. I have decided to reach you via this
personal e-mail address because we want to make sure no body from this
office sells out your information to Mr John Tsai and his colleague.

So you are expected to contact with the underlisted information as
soon as possible.

4.YOUR IDENTITY(send by scan jpeg)

Yours Truly,

Ivan Kojie(Head of Operations)

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