by Ian Page
Tue May 24, 2022 4:14 am
From: [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
Subject: Dear Beneficiary,
Received: Tue 24 May 2022 at 00:55
Dear Beneficiary,
I am Mr. Antony Blinken, 71st U.S. Secretary of State since February
4, 2021. Appointed by the President Mr. Joe Biden with the advice and
consent of the Senate, This is to notify you that Mr. Brian Moynihan
Chairman of the Board of Directors Bank of America Corporation visited
my office with an envelope contained copies of document and the
documents are your compensation payment file from (4) different banks,
Nat West Bank of London, BANK OF AMERICA, They stated that you
disclaim your compensation fund worth US $ 6 000,000 (Six Million
United State Dollars) And their purpose of visiting my office is to
seek support and have my signature on the documents for easy
confiscation of your compensation fund to the government budget
account since you don't want to receive it. But with the experience in
the Government i refused to sign the documents.
However, Due to humanitarian ground and sympathy. I immediately called
up the President Joe Biden and John Glover Roberts Jr, Chief Justice
of the Supreme Court of United States and explain your matter to them
as regards to your payment Six Million United State Dollars from (4)
different banks and they personally called Mr. Brian Moynihan Chairman
of the Board of Directors Bank of America.
NOTE: The $6,000,000 (Six Million United State Dollars is a
compensation fund from (4) different banks, Nat West Bank of
2022. Your E-mail address was generated through the computer
ballot system as one of the selected victims to receive this
You will never pay a dime again as agreed and signed down here in
Court that you will never pay any, been reduced in order to enable you
procure in your name
to enhance the immediate transfer of your $6,000,000, (Six Billion
United State Dollars) Into your bank account or ATM Master Card will
be delivered to your home address Depending on the choice which you
want to receive your money and every other documentation
proof for your fund have been packaged and sealed to be mailed
together with your Visa Card to your address.
Therefore, The days of you being subjected to paying
twice double Payment is over as that is the case with some corrupt
officials down here in The states. Thanks for adhering to this
instructions which are meant for your sole benefit, Once again accept
my congratulations in advance. Thanks for your cooperation as your
quick response to this email notice with adherence to the above
instructions is highly anticipated. Congrats to you in advance.
Best Regards
Antony John Blinken
Honorable USA Secretary of State
Federal Executive Council Washington DC USA.