by Ian Page
Tue May 24, 2022 4:20 am
From: [email protected]
Subject: ATTN Beneficiary,FROM Mr. David Lipton ( Office Of: International Monetary Fund (IMF) CBN
Received: Tue 24 May 2022 at 01:09
Office Of: International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Headquarters 2 (HQ2):CBN
Good-day Sir,
This is to officially inform you that (ATM Card/ DEBIT Card Number of;
375987654321002) has been credited in your favor, Your Personal
Identification Number is 9200. The Card Value is ($2.5Million USD) and
your ATM CARD will be sent to you through DHL delivering company.
You are advice to contact me immediately with my email or telephone
number to enable us forward your ATM card to you without any further
delay, all the legal documents are out and will be sent to you once I
hear from you with the following information below,
Full Name: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Delivery Address: --------------------------------------------------------------
Phone Number: -----------------------------------------------------------------
Country: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Occupation: ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Sex: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Age: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bank will send your ATM CARD through DHL delivering company, so get
back to me with your full information before it will be late.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. David Lipton
Central Bank of Nigeria