Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ian Page Tue May 24, 2022 12:49 pm
From: Compliments of the day my dear friend - [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
Tel/Fax No.: +228(0)92015279 Ext113
Received: Tue 24 May 2022 at 15:27

African Development Bank
No.1 Dr. Isert Road - 7th Avenue – Ridge Lome Togo
Payment Bill No: ADB/4071/DRC/1806/CTFC-313 / 00.TG/GOV.
Tel/Fax: +228(0)92015279 Ext113
Email: [email protected]

Attention Beneficiary:


Following the signal we received from our local banks & Affiliated
bank in Africa/London Concerning your payment from reserve account
they have with us, That your payment will now be effected from our
bank (African Development Bank PLC)

During the auditing and verifying of your files it was discovered from
the Records of outstanding transfer's due for payment. Many officials
and some Of your agents from the source origin of your fund have
delayed your payment for One reason and the other following the
outcome of board of director's Meeting with other commercial banks
here in Togo.

We hereby bring to your notice that your name fails among the top
twenty Contractor/beneficiary that will be receiving their payment,
which has been Delayed. I wish to officially notify you that your
payment is being processed And the part payment of Nine million, seven
Hundred Dollars ($9.7Million USD) Will be released to you as soon as
you re-confirm your information to us to Cross check with the one we
have in our records.

Kindly re-confirm your information to us so that this office can
proceed Immediately for the approval and immediate release of your
fund without further Delays. Also you are hereby advised to stop
further communications with those who Claim to have your fund in one
bank or the other because they are nothing but Imposters.

Full Name:...........................
Direct Mobile Phone:.................
Office/ Home Phone:..................
Email Address:.......................
Bank Name:...........................
Account No #:........................
Account Holder:......................
Bank Swift Code Id any?:.............
ABA No, .............................
Next Of Kin Names:...................
Your age:............................
Your Sex:............................
Scan Copy of your passport or drivers license:............................

On receipt of the above information, your payment will be approved and
paid to You by wired to your nominated bank account . You are Advised
to get back to me immediately for more clarifications.

Thank You.
Yours Faithfully.
Mr.Anthony George
Director Foreign Payment/Remittance Department
African Development Bank Plc

It is expected that you would treat this letter with the urgency that
it is required as we have a limited time frame, note also that every
information given by you shall be treated as authentic as this
committee would not be held liable for any mistake as a result of
delay/miss-information by your good self.

Business hours schedule and are open Monday
to Friday from 9 am to 9 pm and on Saturdays from 9 am to 2 pm.

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