Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ian Page Wed May 25, 2022 7:22 am
From: [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
Received: Wed 25 May 2022 at 07:48


It is our pleasure to inform you about this urgent issue at hand; for
the purpose of clarity I am Advocate Matt Glover of Glover Attorneys
located at 34 Paul Kruger Street Pretoria South Africa.I am vested
with the authority to execute the last Will & Testament of Late Mr.
Trevor Blunden, an American citizen who died in a ghastly motor
accident with his wife on the 27th of September 2017; unfortunately
they had no child of their own.

Please bear in mind that the reason for this late notification is;
since Late Mr. Trevor Blunden demised his Will was contested by his
Nephew Mr. Johannes Blunden who has his own selfish agenda for his
Uncle’s estate. The good news now is that last week, Probate Court has
finally ruled on the issue that all beneficiaries should be notified
to receive their inheritance, and that is why we send you this email
to inform you that Late Mr. Trevor Blunden left 15% of his total
Estate for you which is US$ 7,500,000.00; to use 50% of this money to
aid charity of your choice while 50% should be for you and your
family. This may sound strange and unbelievable to you but it is real
and true. Being a widely traveled man Late Mr. Trevor Blunden was
while he was alive, he must have been in contact with you somewhere in
the past.

For your bequeathed (US$ 7.5million) to be release to you send us the
below information for our re-verification to be very sure that we are
indeed dealing with the legal person on the will to enable us proceed
with the release of your funds. Note that whatever information you
give us here is safe and kept confidential only for this purpose.

1.) Your full names.
2.) Your Current contact address.
3.) Your Date of birth.
4.) Your Cell phone.
5.) Your occupation.
6.) Your nationality.

Immediately we are in receipt of the above required information from
you, a copy of the Will shall be send to you immediately for your
confirmation before we will proceed with the necessary particulars so
that what Late Mr. Trevor Blunden left for you would be release to you
without delay. Very crucial warning, if you know that this email
address doesn’t belongs to you; please don’t bother to respond back to
us but if you are very sure that indeed this email address is yours
don’t hesitate to reply us immediately to proceed.

Yours Faithfully,

Attorney: Advocate Matt Glover

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