by Ian Page
Thu May 26, 2022 4:03 pm
My Dear.
I am Mrs. Julia Melvin, from Ukraine. But currently at the refugees
camp in Mauritius Island. and it is my pleasure to contact you for a
business venture which I and my child intend to establish with you.I
want to confide in you for the brighter future of my child in the hope
that you can support and assist us in getting our inherited fund moved
to your account for business investment according to your device we
found on online search through Microsoft.
There is €800,000,000.00 (Eight Hundred Million Euros) which my late
husband deposited in an Oil security Company in Venezuela, Northern
America. and declared it as family valuables. before his sudden death
in the Ukrainian war in February.Me and My little son I have decided
to invest this money in your country or anywhere safe enough for
security and political reasons.
We want you to help us so that this money can be released from the
Security Company and moved to you for joint investment purposes over
there for our common benefit.If you can be of assistance to us we will
be pleased to offer to you 30% of the total fund for your assistance
in getting the fund released from the Oil Security Company in
Venezuela. We shall expect your feedback as soon as you receive my
message to inform you more what was needed from the Oil Security
Company .
I await your soonest response.
Mrs.Julia Melvin