Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ian Page Sun Jun 05, 2022 12:10 pm
From: [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
Received: Sun 5 Jun 2022 at 09:51

This email is coming to you from the office 0f Mr.Neil Gorsuch from
the department of the Supreme Court of the United States ,Please my
dear i am here to make it clear to you that there was a case that was
been handling here in the Supreme Court of the United States since
May 20th,2022 concerning your funds because i got some reports that
you did not received your funds since after every story's you heard
from banks,couriers agents regarding your funds and all type of
payments you have been asked to paid to receive your funds but none
was received by you.

And i am hereby to know the truth because Mrs Christine Lagarde the
person that is in charge of the transaction said in this court here
that you have received your funds and confirmed to her that you
received your funds as an ATM Card.

Please i am here to hear the truth from you, because according to the
president of this country President Joe Biden the 46th U.S. President,
he told us that you did not receive your funds since over the Donald
Trump administration , he stated that his office did not have your
name in file of those who received their funds from the appointed
office .

Please here bellow is what i want you to answer to enable us to handle
this case normal as the reporter said that it has been done to you.

(1)Do you receive any money from the Country USA ,AFRICA OR EUROPE .........?.
(2)If you received money , how much.............
(3)Through which way, bank or courier delivery do you received the
money from them.........
(4) is It true that you received money through ATM........
(5)In which date or year.......................
(6)Which authority approves the file..................

Please i advise you to go direct to this question above and answer me
immediately because i want to get the truth from you.

Sincerely Yours,
Mr.Neil Gorsuch
dept of the Supreme Court of the
United States of America.

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