by Ian Page
Mon Jun 06, 2022 10:23 am
From: Mrs.Hilda Urs Texas 75150 U.S.A. - [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
Subject: Re;GREETINGS IN JESUS NAME !!!!!!!!!
Received: Mon 6 Jun 2022 at 14:33
Am a widow without a child suffering from long time illness (Cancer
and Kidney damage) there is funds I inherited from my late loving
husband Mrs.Hilda Urs, the sum of ($ 2.9 Million) I need a honest and
Faithful person that can use these funds for humanity work. 70% of
this funds for orphanages, school and widows, propagating the word and
other humanitarian works, The remaining 30% should be yours for your
efforts as the new beneficiary. Please if you would be able to use
these funds for humanitarian work kindly reply to me. As soon as I
have received your response, I will give you further directives on how
you are to go about the claims of the said funds.
Remain blessed
Mrs.Hilda Urs
May God bless you In Jesus name Amen!!!