by Ian Page
Tue Jun 07, 2022 11:46 am
From: [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
Subject: Re : Please confirm this info
Received: Tue 7 Jun 2022 at 11:44
Attention : Dear Sir/Ma,
Be informed that we have officially approved the part payment of your
overdue inheritance/contract entitlements programmed to be paid to
you, following series of documents tendered by your Representative Mr.
David L. Nielsen, and your Attorney Barrister John Swatz, of J. Swatz
& Associates.
They have presented a "Power of Attorney" duly signed by you in which
was clearly stated that due to certain prevailing circumstances beyond
your control, you could not finalize the payment process yourself,
thus appointing Mr. D.L. Nielsen to act on your behalf. All payment
documents have been forwarded to our appointed bank to pay the said
amount to them.
Therefore, confirm if the said Man and Attorney are your True
Representatives, before our final order payment. Find below the
account information they have presented for the transfer on your
A/C Name: Blue Bell Realty, Inc.,
Bank: JP Morgan Chase Bank,
1 Chase Manhattan Plaza,
New York , NY.10081
Bank Routing #:021000021
A/C #:227863934766
We look forward to your swift response.
Yours truly,
Mr. Jurgen Klaus