Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ian Page Tue Jun 07, 2022 11:50 am
From: [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
Subject: (No subject)
Received: Tue 7 Jun 2022 at 13:04

There is something I want to confide with you and I believe you will not let me down or

take advantage of me, because I believe the best has come between me and you.
During one of our rescue mission we stumbled upon a safe containing a large amount of money

that belongs to the revolutionaries and we also see letter and the luggage, we immediately

believe that the money was intended to buy weapons and ammunition, according to this, it

was agreed by all parties that the money will be shared between us. Of the total fund my

share was Four million dollars ($4,000,000.00). I am seeking your assistance to evacuate my

share of the money from there, if you can assure me that my money will be safe in your care

as I will coming out from here soon to meet you in your country, then I 'll go ahead and

make it work. This is not stolen money, and there is no risk.

by Ian Page Wed Jun 08, 2022 7:08 am
From: [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
Subject: (No subject)
Received: Wed 8 Jun 2022 at 11:01

There is something I want to confide with you and I believe you will not let me down or

take advantage of me, because I believe the best has come between me and you.
During one of our rescue mission we stumbled upon a safe containing a large amount of money

that belongs to the revolutionaries and we also see letter and the luggage, we immediately

believe that the money was intended to buy weapons and ammunition, according to this, it

was agreed by all parties that the money will be shared between us. Of the total fund my

share was Four million dollars ($4,000,000.00). I am seeking your assistance to evacuate my

share of the money from there, if you can assure me that my money will be safe in your care

as I will coming out from here soon to meet you in your country, then I 'll go ahead and

make it work. This is not stolen money, and there is no risk.

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