by Ian Page
Thu Jun 23, 2022 5:15 pm
From: [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
Subject: Attn: Beneficiary
Received: Thu 23 Jun 2022 at 14:03
International Monetary Fund
Office of the Registrar
IMF Administrative Tribunal
700 19th Street, NW, Suite HQ1-3-544
Washington, DC 20431, USA
Attn: Beneficiary,
It has come to my knowledge that most fund beneficiaries of contract/inheritance payment like you are being asked to pay certain irrelevant charges by some bank officials, custom department, security and other government agencies, thereby making it very difficult for beneficiaries to meet such obligations which is contrary to Section '37' Subsection 'C' of the Article XII of Banks and other financial decree of 1995 as amended in 1998.
In view of this, the United Nations (UN) in collaboration with the International monetary fund (IMF) and World Bank have directed the World Bank to shift its base to the USA to scrutinize and oversee an immediate release of such payments that has met the requirements for effectiveness without any further delay. Any beneficiary certified 'OK' will receive his / her fund within five (5) working days from the date of the final authentication of his / her contractual date. It is also interesting to inform you that in order to carry out deductions on their bills as regards Cost of Transfers (COT), Security Deposit (SD), insurance, custom, shipping and other taxable charges, beneficiaries will be required to obtain a Waiver Affidavit from the United Nations (UN), so as to empower this board to carry out such deduction from the total contract/inheritance sum before final remittance. Furthermore, certification and unconditional payment release orders have been invested on this board and it involves payment from our statutory foreign reserves of international capital markets (ICM) loans from (IMF) and the World Bank respectively.
Therefore, once you obtain a waiver affidavit certificate as directed by the board that any beneficiary obtained the waiver affidavit certificate should not be ask to pay further upfront payment and this will bring an end to beneficiaries fund transfer nightmare and also will no longer witness delay in receiving his or her fund payment.
Kindly contact the below office for immediate action, and we are very sorry for all the inconvenience you have suffered in receiving your fund payment.
IMF FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION OFFICER - United Nations.Principal organs of the United Nations.
Ms.Genoveva Madurga,
Administrative Assistant.
EMAIL:[email protected]
Yours Faithfully,
Kristalina Georgieva
Administrative Tribunal (IMF)