by Ian Page
Sat Jun 25, 2022 11:34 am
From: [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
Subject: We have Given you Enough Time
Received: Thu 23 Jun 2022 at 13:52
Dear Sir,
On the authority of the United Nations national security council, we inform you that your fund is now in our Custody. This is pursuant to the General Assembly Resolution 64/263/ Chapter 2021/2022 as approved by the European Union Financial Council, and the United Nations Monetary Surveillance & Directorate Unit mandating us to investigate the unnecessary delay of your pending transaction in which you have invested your life savings and yet the transaction was hijacked by some Fraudsters.
I write to notify you that the IMF/World Bank Group has today the 23th of June, 2022 directed the immediate verification and release of your unpaid Compensation fund, through the paying bank.
During the verification, the auditor discovered that there was no evidence of any need for assessment undertaken for your payment, which is in violation of the Payment Act, 2007 and Financial Regulation 2918(a) which require that the paymaster general and the Committee shall prepare a needs assessment and evaluation for all unpaid debt.
The audit also revealed no evidence of adherence to due process and payment Act, 2007 requirements by the ministry before the approval and release of the fund to the beneficiary. Evidence of Clearance from the Justice ministry, evaluation, and acceptance of claim before the transfer was not produced for audit verification, thereby rendering your claim doubtful. No-objection certificate was not obtained from the justice ministry before payment was effected.
Other anomalies discovered include: Relevant supporting documents such as the Ministerial payment Board minutes, order of mandamus letter, Payment Agreement, receipts, and invoices, were neither attached to your payment voucher nor produced for audit verification. Your Payment file, technical assessment report, and outstanding debt handed over to the ministry by the defunct payment Committee on outstanding payment were not produced for audit verification.
However, The IMF/World Bank Group has decided to disregard most of this irregularity, Stop orders against your payment and advise you to take urgent steps to Normalize and validate your claims to establish the authenticity of your claims as recommended by the IMF/ World Bank Group.
It was also resolved that you contact us immediately for re-validation and documentation of your claim, and to enable us to process your payment without further delays.
Kindly contact this office for further details.
Yours faithfully,
Garry Raymond
Director of Finance & Payment
United Nations External Debt Payment Commission