Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ian Page Wed Jun 29, 2022 3:20 pm
Reply to: [email protected]
Subject: (No subject)
Received: Sat 25 Jun 2022 at 21:52

Official Residence Of The Vice President Of The US)
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA
Construction started: 13 October 1792
PH: (0269-8437

Greetings To You And Reply Back Now Sir/Mam,

My name is Mr.Mike Pence Vice president of the United States of
America, Please I want to inform you that your payment file was
brought to my desk this morning by MR. WILLIAM C DUDLEY Chief
Executive Officer Federal Reserve Bank of New York United States with
an envelope contained copies of document and the documents are your
compensation payment file from UNO.

MR.WILLIAM C DUDLEY said that they should divert your fund to the
government treasury account just because you can not pay the sum of
$1300.00 request to obtain the Tax Clearance Certificate from the
country where your transaction originated and their purpose of
visiting my office is to seek support and have my signature on the
documents for easy confiscation of your funds tune of $8.5MillionUSD
to the government budget account since you don't want to receive it.

But with the experience as the Vice president of the United States of
America. I refused to sign my signature on the documents to
confiscation of your compensation fund to the government budget

However, due to humanitarian ground and sympathy and because I do not
want your payment to be cancel,so I immediately called up the
president of the Federal Reserve and explain your matter to him as
regards to your payment and he personally called up a meeting which
was resolved that the charges should be reduced from $1300.00 to it’s
barest menial in order to help you afford the fee and receive your
funds as easy and simple to Celebrate this with your friends,
families, partners who had been mocking you all this while because of

To this end it will interest you to know that every and any
fee/charges required has been reduced to only the sum of $25 us
dollars this step is in order to enable you afford this only fee so
that your Tax Clearance Certificate will procure in your name to
enhance the immediate transfer of your US $850,000.00 (Eight Hundred
and Fifty Thousand United State Dollars) into your bank account or ATM
Master Card will be delivered to your home address depending on the
choice which you wants to receive your money.

Please I want you to know that you have from now till Thursday next
week to effect the required payment so we can clear, release and
effect the transfer of your fund worth US $850,000.00 us dollars into
your account, So I will advice you to copy below information and
address to effect the payment of us $25 us dollars through any i Tune,
Google Play or Steam Wallet and send back the payment details to this
office immediately the payment is effected.

You are required to send the fee of US$25 dollars by any of the
following; i Tune, Google Play or Steam Wallet to the Federal Reserve
Bank Accountant Officer/Cashier Office where your transaction
originated as stated below. or you can buy the iTunes Card of sum of
US$25 dollars depending on the choice

We want you to know that we are indeed very sorry for any
inconveniences any delay this must have caused you in having your fund
paid out to you long before now. You will never ever regret paying the
fee this is a promise to you after all your pains in the past as we
are here to serve you as our word is our bond to you.

Confirm the receipt of this e-mail by you immediately and be rest
assured that you will be smiling to your bank once you comply with our
directives now. Your urgent response to this e-mail now will go a long
way in helping us ensure your payment is released to you within 24
hours of you acting as instructed I will be waiting to hear good news
from you.

Please, if you are not interested over this message, do simply delete
it and not reply back to us because I am a very busy man,but if you
are ready to have your fund, do simply keep according the directive
because I will not sleep till you receive your fund because I and Mr.
President are behind you.

Thank you, and May God Bless America.

Mr. Mike Pence
Vice president of the United States of
America,email;([email protected])

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