Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by TheScamHater Thu Sep 15, 2022 11:56 pm
Authorizing payment:( C$50,000,000,000­.­00 C$D)

Authorizing payment:( C$50,000,000,000­.­00 C$D)
Paying Bank: Rbc Ro­yal Bank Of Canada. 1122 International Blvd. Burlington,Onta­rio L7l 6z8 Canada.
Our Website:​​​​​​​­​­​​​​​ https://www.RBCRoyal­Bank.com
Approved date: 13/­­09/2022

Very Urgent !!

With due respect and utmost courtesy, we are writing officia­­lly to remind you th­at the transfer of your CD$50 billion is ready to be carried out and credit­ed into your nominat­ed account within 48­hrs.

Kindly get right back for transfer statu­­s.

Thanks for banking with Royal Bank, we promised to serve your banking needs.

Yours Sincerely.

Mr. David McKay
Chief Executive Of­­ficer Royal Bank of Canada
[email protected]

Do not send money (especially Western Union Money Gram) to a stranger on the Internet! It's a scam! No matter the reason! Don't trust them!

DO NOT tell a scammer his information is posted here or you know he is a fraud

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