Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by hellraiser Sat Sep 17, 2022 12:45 pm
Initial scam e-mail from [email protected]

Does it mean that you are no more interested of making the claim of
your outstanding fund US$2.5 Million of yours which have successful
channel to transfer to you and I borrowed money on Sunday after
service from my Pastor, then you have to send the remain balance now
only $50.00 but i don't see the reason you have to keep silent on me,
honestly I am just disappointed at your behaviors because you know
that I cannot deceive you, Just pay the $50.00 and leave the rest for
me watching me if I am telling you lies and with all due respect, if
you really know that you are no more interested of making this claim
of your outstanding fund of yours kindly update me now to cancel this
Transfer since your negative thought does not allow you to believe on
the reality so send me a declaration letter stated that you are no
more interested of making the claim so that I will cancel the

What makes you think that you will not secure your fund and have
Access of the fund as Beneficiary and you should know that I have made
everything possible for you to receive this payment so kindly go now
to the Walmart and get me iTunes card of $50 so that the gate fee will
be obtained to enable you receive this payment.

Does it mean that you are internationally want to delay this matter
and it has been long that I made the announcement of release of your
fund which is ready to be with you so with all due respect I advice
you to go now and send this fee immediately without any delay and
update me because I want you to secure this fund as agreed and signed.

Your payments is already approval for you to receive it but the
management here says that you must pay $50.00 for the Stamp and
activation charge before you can receive the payment today, please go
right now to the Walmart and get me iTunes card of $50 and i have
assured you a time without number that this is genuine and legitimate.

I swear If I fail to release your payment after you send the $50.00 as
I promise don't count on me again, I cannot fail you, I promise you
don’t fear as soon as you send the $50.00 today please leave the rest
to me and see if I am lying to you because I can not use my life swear
because of $50.00, how can I swear against my life because of this
small amount? it is to show you that I am telling you the truth.

So you are advised to go right now to the Walmart and get me iTunes
card of $50 so that i can proceed and get everything done Asap

I promise you as soon as i hear from you with the payment of $50 steam
wallet card or iTunes card. Today i shall send your pick up information
the same day you send the $50.00 iTunes card I swear


Replies are directed to [email protected]

Every e-mail I post here is a scam.
If you have been contacted by a scammer you should cease communication.
Never let a scammer know you're on to them, this is feedback they can use to improve their scam.

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