Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by sylvia1965 Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:02 am
I received this email and would like to know if this correct or is it a scam ...... I mean very angry to know that you play with the integrity of the people but we must be wary as I try to tell me and let me know if it corresponds to the same person who goes online

I am Mrs. Alexander Ellar from Ireland. I am married to late Mr.Richard Alexander, who worked with Irish Embassy in Kuwait for Twenty-Six years before he died in the year 2004,after a brief illness that lasted for only five days. We were married for Eighteen years with a daughter (Hannah) who later died in a motor accident. Before the untimely death of my husband, we were both born again Christians. Since after his death I decided not to remarry or get a child outside my matrimonial home, which the Bible is against.
Dearest friend, I saw your email contact on Internet when searching, I decided to tell you about my situation, I have been diagnosed with cancer and I need your help in distributing my funds of $4.5M to charities. I contacted you because I strongly believe you are in a position to handle this project. Please get back to me soon if you will help me.

Alexander Ellar

I have forwarded the information's to my Lawyer, Barrister Howard Miller and he has promised to work with you as regards the claim of the funds. You should contact him as he is very willing to give you all the Legal assistance that you may need. His contact info is

Barrister Howard Miller
E-mail: [email protected]

Please inform me once you are in contact with my Lawyer. I have decided to let you have 40% of the money for this noble task which you have taken and the remaining 60% should be used for charity. Always remember me in your prayers.

Remain Blessed
Your sister,
Mrs. Ellar Alexander

Howard and Dudit Solicitors

9 Beddington Gardens SM6 0HU Wallington, Surrey
London UK.
Telephone: +44 773 364 9300 or +44 702 401 9885
email: [email protected]

Thank you for your email contact. I have been in contact with my client; Mrs. Ellar Alexander who confirmed she referred you to me. I have also taken note of the information you submitted. As the attorney in charge, I must be frank with you that the principles of this project is not based on accepting to be of assistance rather the principles of this project concentrates on using the funds diligently for whatever purpose it is meant for. However before I proceed, I must bring to your notice the principle is our project relationship. The success of this project will be based on the following principles:

1. Trust and Sincerity: The fact that Mrs. Ellar Alexander does not know you from Adam, and yet decided to make this proposal to you shows that she has faith in you and your ability to deliver. She was just browsing through the Internet when she came accross your email and decided to contact you. I therefore expect you to reciprocate this gesture by being sincere and honest with us till this project is concluded. I need your assurance that you will not run away with this fund by the time the fund is in your custody.

2. Confidentiality: Because of the nature and origin of this project, we need to be discrete, secret and confidential in handling it. The fact that I shall be presenting you as the rightful beneficiary to this funds, entails that we all need to be very discrete to protecting any information about this project from the preying eyes of third parties that might jeopardize it. I will therefore request that we keep this business to ourselves only, until it is concluded in other not to make it known to parties that could jeopardize it.

3. Mutual Co-operation:- The fact that we all will be in this project together for our mutual benefit demands that we have to give each other mutual co-operation whenever the needed arises. I must thank you once again for the fact that you have already begun the co-operation by accepting this proposal. Also co-operation should always be on time in other to get the desired result.
So long as we keep to these three basic principles, the project will be a success to our mutual benefit.You are required to reply to this email immediately to confirm receipt and acceptance of the above stated principles.

Thank you and your response is awaited.

Howard Miller Esq.

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail transmission (and/or theattachments accompanying it) may contain confidential informationbelonging to the sender which is protected by the attorney-clientprivilege. The information is intended only for the use of the intendedrecipient. If you are not the intended recipient, you are herebynotified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking ofany action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictlyprohibited. Any unauthorized interception of this transmission isillegal. If you have received this transmission in error, pleasepromptly notify the sender by reply e-mail, and then destroy

Edited subject line to the name the scammer is using -Jillian

by began steele Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:48 am
These messages are always a scam/ In this case it is called a 419 advance fee scam. To get the money that does not exist you will have to respond and then you will get a letter from a 'Bank' or a 'Barrister' , ALL OF WHICH ARE THE SCAMMER PLAYING DIFERENT ROLES IN THE SCAM. All will ask for money as 'FEES' AND AT EACH STAGE AFTER PAYING THERE WILL ARISE ANOTHER FEE. Perhaps a fee for a safe deposit where the so called money is kept. However there will actually be no money and by the time all the fees are paid you will be bankrupt and will have lost everything. The person is not in hospital and is not sick but is sitting in an internet cafe probably in Lagos ,Nigeria sending out this same message 1000 times a day. It will get 999.9 rejections, but that's no problem, all it needs is the one person to bite at the scam. Soon the requests for Western Union transfer will arrive so send nothing.

9 Beddington Gardens SM6 0HU Wallington, Surrey
Barristers do not act as solicitors, they act as senior advisors for solicitors regarding points of law.

2. Confidentiality: Because of the nature and origin of this project, we need to be discrete, secret and confidential in handling it. The fact that I shall be presenting you as the rightful beneficiary to this funds, entails that we all need to be very discrete to protecting any information about this project from the preying eyes of third parties that might jeopardize it. I will therefore request that we keep this business to ourselves only, until it is concluded in other not to make it known to parties that could jeopardize it.

The scammer wants you not to share this with friend or family, in case they see it as the fraud it is. Note scammer is getting it's frauds mixed up. You are not being presented as the beneficiary of a dead person. This is the wrong text for this scammers particular task
Also co-operation should always be on time in other to get the desired result

You will be subjected to pressure to get you to act quickly. This is so you don't have time to think clearly.

Do not contact the scammer again or reply to messages

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by Arnold Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:09 am
That's a typical advance fee fraud.
I decided not to remarry or get a child outside my matrimonial home,

I wish I had a dollar for every time I've seen that phrase.

by jolly_roger Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:30 am
Hello sylvia1965. No, it is not Mrs. Alexander Ellar writing to you. It is a fraudulant scam artist trying to suck you in.
began steele summarised the situation perfectly.

RE: I have been diagnosed with cancer and I need your help in distributing my funds of $4.5M to charities.
What does that have to do with the price of apples? Why can't she simply instruct the barrister of her wishes?
After all, they will be her wishes! No one should be allowed to intefere with the distribution process.

Also the surbytc.com seems highly suspect.
The site is currently hosted in Sunnyvale, United States on a server with the IP which is hosted by ISP Yahoo!. The organization linked to this IP address is Yahoo!. surbytc.com receives about 0 unique visitors per day.
Estimated value is $0 USD and makes $0 USD a day.
Creation Date........ 07 June 2011 Expiry Date.......... 07 June 2012
Organisation Name.... kodjo danhounsrou
Organisation Address. PO Box 61359
Organisation Address. Sunnyvale
Organisation Address. 94088
Organisation Address. CA
The phone numbers beginning with 4470 in an e-mail are all fraudulant. If in future you view one of these re-direct numbers in correspondence - RUN.
You will see a far better explanation in an earlier post here viewtopic.php?f=26&t=13567
by jolly_roger Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:43 am
Then I noticed... kodjo danhounsrou
"kodjo danhounsrou" owns about 1 other domains
Domain Name.......... aktionsafery.com
Creation Date........ 2011-07-04
Registration Date.... 2011-07-04
Expiry Date.......... 2012-07-04 (again only registered for the minimum 12 months)
Organisation Name.... kodjo danhounsrou
Organisation Address. 4300 Newton Ave Unit 55
Organisation Address. San Diego
Organisation Address. 92113
Organisation Address. CA
Organisation Address. UNITED STATES

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