Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Wiljames Wed Nov 30, 2022 2:46 pm
from: Eddison Birmingham [email protected]
reply-to: [email protected]
(no subject)

CONFIDENTIAL} Urgent Development

RE: Approved Reconciliation Payment

I hope this email meets you well, sound and healthy.

I write to inform you that I have personally endorsed a reconciliation
payment of $4,500,000 USD (ATM Master Card) in your favor for
immediate delivery through FedEx Express in Jersey City, New Jersey.
This urgent development is as a result of the recent change of
policies in the wake of the Russian/Ukraine war.

To be honest, your chances of receiving this fund is at most 100%
considering the various government and central banks policies and fund
movement regulations. You can only receive this approved fund through
ATM Master Card based platform that is under central banks control.

The good news is that I took it upon myself to discreetly endorse this
reconciliation payment. Your payment advice with REF:
1HE45643CP530154A have been prepared. I have already forwarded your
payment mandate to the Remittance Director in charge with stringent
instructions to facilitate this payment swiftly and with utmost

Approval Details
Approval No: 44587P/2022
Reference No: 1HE45643CP530154A
Secret Code No: XXCN015X

If this is a welcomed development by you then kindly contact FedEx
Dispatch Manager which his information is listed below while i advise
the Citi Bank Board to forward your $4,500,000.00 which has been
uploaded into an ATM Master Card to FedEx Express for immediate

Contact Person: Ralph Daniel
FedEx Express
Email: [email protected]
Tel +1 (551) 284-2390

Best regards
Eddison Birmingham
UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund

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