Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Link Sun Jan 29, 2023 4:07 pm
Janet M. Difiore
[email protected]

Reply-To: [email protected]
From: "Hon. Justice Mrs. Janet M. Difiore" <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2023 12:33:06 -0800

Subject: Your $55.500,000.00 USD Fund Will Be Transfer to US Government Account
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

I am the Chief Judge of the State of New York.
This is the 3rd time I am sending you this mail in regards to your
fund inheritance payment worth US$55,500,000.00 USD in custody of the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

This is to notify you that Federal Reserve Bank of New York officials
visited my office with an envelope containing copies of the document
and the documents are your compensation payment file. They stated that
you disclaim your compensation Fund worth US$55.5Million us dollars
and their purpose for visiting my office is to seek support and have
my signature on the documents for easy confiscation of your
compensation fund to the government budget account since you don't
want to receive it. but with the experience in the judiciary, I
refused to sign the documents.

However, due to humanitarian ground and sympathy. I immediately called
up the John Glover Roberts Jr, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of
United States and explain your matter to him as regards to your
payment and he personally called Jamie Dimon Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer Federal Reserve Bank of New York to reduce the
payment from $200 to $50 in order to help you afford the fee to obtain
the Tax Clearance Certificate before the said fund will hit
your bank account.

NOTE; The US$ 55.5Million is a compensation Fund from the government
of USA to you and Your E-mail address was generated through the
computer ballot system as one of the selected victims to receive this
compensation. You are required to buy only a U$50 Apple card - iTunes
Card Steam Wallet Card. The ONLY charge you will EVER pay before your
package leaves Our office here is the $50 to obtain the Tax Clearance
Certificate. YOU WILL NEVER pay a dime again as agreed and signed down
here in Court that you will never pay any other money apart from the

To this end it will interest you to know that every and any
fee/charges required has been reduced to only the sum of $50 us
dollars this step is in order to enable you afford this only fee so
that your Tax Clearance Certificate will procure in your name to
enhance the immediate transfer of your US$55.5 Million us dollars into
your bank account or ATM Master Card will be delivered to your home
address Depending on the choice which you want to receive your money.
Please I want you to know that you have from now till the end of 5
days to affect the required payment so we can clear, release and
effect the transfer of your fund worth US$55,500,000 us dollars into
your account,

Therefore, the days of you being subjected to paying twice Double
Payment is over as that is the case with some corrupt officials down
there in Africa. The payment approval documents have been acquired for
the smooth delivery of your ATM visa Card of US$55.5 Million us
dollars. You are advised to obtain the only remaining Tax Clearance
Certificate to enhance the immediate transfer of your US$55.5 Million
us dollars into your bank account or ATM Master Card will be delivered
to your home address

You were awarded the fund for investment to ease the economic crunch
and to be profitable and help others in need as a measure to ease the
present economic hardship. I will make you feel much better than the
past, also bear it in mind that your US$55.5Million us dollars will be
peacefully delivered to your home address within 8hrs immediately the
attorney accomplished the paperwork.

This is your last chance to comply with the instruction or else I will
close your fill which will make it impossible for you to receive your
fund in future.

You have only five working days to comply or lose this great opportunity.

Thanks, and God bless.
Best Regards,
Hon. Justice Mrs. Janet M. Difiore
New York United States of America
New York 10007
Law Clerks: Andrea Field, Esq. Hasa Kingo, Esq.

If you're here because you received the same email as what I posted and you're wondering if it's a scam...YES, it's a scam

by Link Sun Feb 19, 2023 4:10 pm
[email protected]

Reply-To: [email protected]
From: "MR. PRESIDENT" <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2023 05:18:24 -0800

To: undisclosed-recipients:;


Does it mean that you are no more interested in making the claim of
your legit fund of US$60.Million, which I have been working so hard to
make sure it gets to you?

Till this moment you have decided to remain silent after I have
personally taken an Oath for you to secure this fund. With all due
respect, if you really know that you are no more interested of making
this claim of your outstanding fund of yours kindly update me now to
cancel this Delivery since your negative thought does not allow you to
believe in the reality so send me a declaration letter stating that you
are no more interested in making the claim so that I will cancel the

What makes you think that you will not secure your fund and have
Access of the fund as Beneficiary and you should know that I have made
everything possible for you so kindly go now and send the Fee sum of
US$30 usd only so that the necessary document will be obtained to
enable the delivery commerce.

Does it means that you are internationally want to delay this matter
and it has been long that I made the announcement of release of your
fund which is ready to be with you so with all due respect I advice
you go now and send the Fee immediately you got my message without any
delay and update me because I want you to secure this fund as i
have agreed and signed here in the state Okay.

You are advice to send the US$30 usd by through bank to bank wire
transfer as i will soon direct you and update you with the need able
information of payment for recorded as directed here immediately and
also get ready I am at your Service because of your Funds transfer is
READY here which you know that you have to appreciate the effort that
white house have kept secured of your fund .With all due respect,
please do not delay to send this fee Today because this is the last
chance and final conclusion. Kindly do your best today to send the Fee
and update me immediately with an update on how to get this fee
payment Okay.

you should know that Argument or delay can not do any thing or solve
this problem in getting your fund delivered to your current doorstep
if you can not find solution to solve this matter by trying your
possible best for the final conclusion of this Transaction and send
only $30.00 as the only delay around your fund draft Right Away so it
means that i have no Other Option than to make down my Report...

Take note that you will have to stop communication with every other
person if you have been in contact with any i think i am here to help
you and get this endless fee going on around the whole internet now
Alright. Also remember that all you will ever have to spend is $30
USD only. nothing more! Nothing less! And with Guarantee that your
receipt Fund is secured to be delivered to you once you go ahead and
do what is needed to be successful over this Delivering to you within
the next 48hrs after confirmation receipt fee today.

Update me with the required information so that I will proceed with
your fund draft delivering Okay thank you.

Thanks and always be blessed.

Mr Elect Joe Biden

If you're here because you received the same email as what I posted and you're wondering if it's a scam...YES, it's a scam

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