by Link
Fri Feb 10, 2023 3:48 pm
[email protected]
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[email protected]
From: "Mr. Frank Williams" <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2023 06:58:21 -0800
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
My Dear,I believe this might find you interesting or not follow the
below direction in order to finalize everything without more delay OK.
To the glory of God after you fail to finalize and receive the
consignment cash box which was registered with your name. I found out
that the diplomat channeled the total fund to the Avid Trust Bank
Sundry account until further notice when the rightful owner of the
fund will come to claim it. I was able to contact Avid Trust Bank Plc.
Dear, Avid Trust Bank Plc has liquid the cash into there sundry
account and the only option right now is for the bank to open or
create a non resident online banking account in your name and credit
the Cash into your new bank account which will be open for you
together with the necessary details that can enable you to log into
your account will be provided for you and form your online banking
account you can be able to transfer money into any bank of your choice
Take note once they are done with the Liquidation/ opening of the new
online access account and forward together with the security pin code
number. Dear like I said, I was able to contact the Bank to submit or
credit the cash in your name since the cash was registered in your
name in the first place. Avid Trust Bank Plc will attend to your
request once you send the below message to them OK.
This is the bank information.
Mr. Chalela T
Foreign Operation/Wire Transfer Dept .
Contact the bank as soon as possible for more directions and
explanation on the possible way to receive the money OK...
My dear copy below mail to the bank through the email address.
Email;([email protected]) or ([email protected]
Find the details to contact the bank. Go ahead and contact the bank OK.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am............I have been directed by (Mr. Frank Williams ) to
contact your bank regarding a total amount of ($35 Billion US
Dollars) that was deposited in your Sundry account in my name, Sir,I
want your bank to open a non-resident online access account in my name
and credit the money into the new online access account in my name.
Sir the fund belongs to me,Please, kindly let me know the
requirements needed. I have been directed to contact your Bank {Avid
Trust Bank Plc }for the liquidation/melting of my Cash and to open a
new non-resident online banking account in my name and forward my
necessary account information across to me immediately in order for me
to assess my account.
Sir I will appreciate the Funds Release Panel directors to proceed
with the liquidation of the Cash that belongs to me and also to open a
new non resident online account in my name. Sir, kindly let me know
the requirements needed for the liquidation/opening of a new
non-resident online banking account process to take place without any
delay..I shall wait for your swift response.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Frank Williams
⚠If you're here because you received the same email as what I posted and you're wondering if it's a scam...YES, it's a scam ⚠