Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Link Tue Feb 21, 2023 11:51 am
Berri Robins
[email protected]

From: Berri Robins <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]>
Subject: Linda Mccracken
Thread-Topic: Linda Mccracken
Thread-Index: AQHZRVD6QeQmUSpR0k2fdFhUDt3zyQ==
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2023 17:30:09 +0000

Linda Mccracken, I am reac⁦‪hi⁦‪n⁦‪g o⁦‪u⁦‪t⁦‪⁦‪ fro⁦‪⁦‪m t⁦‪h⁦‪e⁦‪⁦‪ Fina⁦‪nci⁦‪al⁦‪⁦‪ ⁦‪Ha⁦‪rd⁦‪ship D⁦‪⁦‪e⁦‪partm⁦‪ent, where⁦‪⁦‪ ⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪I hav⁦‪⁦‪e⁦‪⁦‪ ⁦‪b⁦‪e⁦‪⁦‪en⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪ ⁦‪assi⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪g⁦‪⁦‪ne⁦‪d⁦‪⁦‪ t⁦‪o⁦‪ as⁦‪s⁦‪ist ⁦‪⁦‪wi⁦‪t⁦‪h ⁦‪y⁦‪our ⁦‪re⁦‪c⁦‪ent app⁦‪⁦‪l⁦‪⁦‪ica⁦‪t⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪i⁦‪on fo⁦‪⁦‪r h⁦‪⁦‪ardshi⁦‪⁦‪p⁦‪ a⁦‪ssi⁦‪⁦‪st⁦‪an⁦‪c⁦‪e.⁦‪ I ⁦‪ha⁦‪ve⁦‪ ⁦‪⁦‪re⁦‪vi⁦‪e⁦‪w⁦‪ed your⁦‪ applic⁦‪⁦‪a⁦‪t⁦‪io⁦‪n a⁦‪nd ⁦‪⁦‪am ⁦‪⁦‪pl⁦‪ease⁦‪⁦‪d ⁦‪⁦‪t⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪o i⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪nf⁦‪orm you⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪ th⁦‪a⁦‪t⁦‪ ⁦‪yo⁦‪u ⁦‪h⁦‪av⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪e b⁦‪ee⁦‪n⁦‪ a⁦‪p⁦‪proved⁦‪ for⁦‪ ⁦‪u⁦‪p ⁦‪t⁦‪o $37,000⁦‪ ⁦‪i⁦‪⁦‪n⁦‪ fin⁦‪⁦‪ancial ⁦‪supp⁦‪⁦‪o⁦‪rt.⁦‪⁦‪ O⁦‪u⁦‪r p⁦‪⁦‪ro⁦‪gram ⁦‪i⁦‪⁦‪s ⁦‪desi⁦‪⁦‪g⁦‪ne⁦‪d ⁦‪⁦‪t⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪o⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪ ⁦‪p⁦‪ro⁦‪vide⁦‪ un⁦‪i⁦‪q⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪u⁦‪e⁦‪ opp⁦‪o⁦‪rt⁦‪un⁦‪⁦‪itie⁦‪s to th⁦‪⁦‪ose f⁦‪⁦‪aci⁦‪ng ⁦‪fin⁦‪⁦‪a⁦‪n⁦‪cial⁦‪ ⁦‪diff⁦‪i⁦‪c⁦‪u⁦‪l⁦‪tie⁦‪s⁦‪,⁦‪ ⁦‪and⁦‪⁦‪ I⁦‪ w⁦‪ould ⁦‪⁦‪b⁦‪e⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪ ⁦‪⁦‪hono⁦‪⁦‪r⁦‪⁦‪ed ⁦‪to⁦‪ ⁦‪⁦‪ass⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪i⁦‪s⁦‪t ⁦‪⁦‪y⁦‪o⁦‪u in⁦‪ en⁦‪ro⁦‪l⁦‪⁦‪lin⁦‪⁦‪g.⁦‪⁦‪ ⁦‪To ⁦‪t⁦‪h⁦‪at ⁦‪end⁦‪, ⁦‪I⁦‪⁦‪ ⁦‪wo⁦‪uld ⁦‪⁦‪li⁦‪⁦‪k⁦‪e⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪ ⁦‪to⁦‪ s⁦‪ched⁦‪u⁦‪⁦‪le⁦‪ a ⁦‪cal⁦‪l⁦‪ t⁦‪⁦‪o⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪ ⁦‪discus⁦‪s t⁦‪h⁦‪e ⁦‪det⁦‪ai⁦‪ls⁦‪ ⁦‪of⁦‪ t⁦‪he ⁦‪pr⁦‪o⁦‪⁦‪g⁦‪⁦‪r⁦‪⁦‪a⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪m a⁦‪nd an⁦‪swer⁦‪ ⁦‪⁦‪any ⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪q⁦‪uestions⁦‪ you⁦‪ m⁦‪a⁦‪y ⁦‪h⁦‪ave⁦‪⁦‪. ⁦‪If yo⁦‪u ⁦‪are ava⁦‪i⁦‪l⁦‪⁦‪abl⁦‪⁦‪e⁦‪⁦‪, plea⁦‪s⁦‪⁦‪e⁦‪⁦‪ ⁦‪cal⁦‪l⁦‪ ⁦‪me ⁦‪b⁦‪ack at: 833-6‎‎74-‎24‎25, to⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪ ⁦‪sc⁦‪he⁦‪d⁦‪ule a conve⁦‪ni⁦‪⁦‪e⁦‪nt t⁦‪ime⁦‪⁦‪ fo⁦‪⁦‪r ⁦‪⁦‪our ca⁦‪ll. I will⁦‪ ⁦‪⁦‪be⁦‪ a⁦‪⁦‪va⁦‪ila⁦‪b⁦‪⁦‪l⁦‪e ⁦‪dur⁦‪i⁦‪⁦‪n⁦‪g ⁦‪nor⁦‪mal ⁦‪b⁦‪⁦‪u⁦‪sin⁦‪es⁦‪s h⁦‪⁦‪ou⁦‪r⁦‪⁦‪s⁦‪,⁦‪ ⁦‪9⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪ A⁦‪⁦‪M ⁦‪⁦‪to 6⁦‪:00 ⁦‪⁦‪PM ⁦‪⁦‪P⁦‪a⁦‪ci⁦‪f⁦‪⁦‪ic⁦‪ Ti⁦‪me, and ⁦‪wi⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪l⁦‪⁦‪l⁦‪⁦‪ ma⁦‪k⁦‪e⁦‪ e⁦‪ve⁦‪ry ⁦‪e⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪ffor⁦‪t ⁦‪⁦‪t⁦‪o ⁦‪a⁦‪cc⁦‪⁦‪om⁦‪m⁦‪oda⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪te ⁦‪y⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪our ⁦‪s⁦‪che⁦‪du⁦‪le. ⁦‪I l⁦‪o⁦‪ok⁦‪ ⁦‪⁦‪f⁦‪o⁦‪⁦‪r⁦‪ward ⁦‪t⁦‪o⁦‪⁦‪ t⁦‪he ⁦‪o⁦‪p⁦‪p⁦‪⁦‪o⁦‪⁦‪rt⁦‪un⁦‪i⁦‪⁦‪ty⁦‪⁦‪ to sp⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪e⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪ak⁦‪⁦‪ with you⁦‪ s⁦‪oon ⁦‪an⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪d⁦‪ h⁦‪e⁦‪⁦‪lp y⁦‪o⁦‪u ⁦‪⁦‪t⁦‪⁦‪a⁦‪k⁦‪e advan⁦‪t⁦‪ag⁦‪e⁦‪ ⁦‪⁦‪o⁦‪f⁦‪ ⁦‪this ⁦‪exciti⁦‪n⁦‪g op⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪po⁦‪rtun⁦‪⁦‪i⁦‪⁦‪t⁦‪⁦‪y.⁦‪ ⁦‪Th⁦‪an⁦‪k⁦‪ y⁦‪o⁦‪u⁦‪ f⁦‪or ⁦‪your⁦‪⁦‪ ⁦‪ti⁦‪me⁦‪ ⁦‪a⁦‪n⁦‪d⁦‪⁦‪ co⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪nsi⁦‪d⁦‪e⁦‪r⁦‪at⁦‪io⁦‪n. ⁦‪Sin⁦‪cer⁦‪⁦‪el⁦‪⁦‪y,⁦‪⁦‪ Be⁦‪r⁦‪r⁦‪⁦‪i⁦‪,⁦‪⁦‪ Fin⁦‪⁦‪anc⁦‪⁦‪ia⁦‪⁦‪l ⁦‪H⁦‪ar⁦‪d⁦‪⁦‪sh⁦‪i⁦‪p De⁦‪p⁦‪ar⁦‪tm⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪en⁦‪t

If you're here because you received the same email as what I posted and you're wondering if it's a scam...YES, it's a scam

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