Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Link Wed Mar 01, 2023 2:31 pm
[email protected]
[email protected]
Chandler Cole
Dr. Stone Jackman
[email protected]

From: Marc Hickson <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2023 02:22:27 -0800

Subject: compliment Of the Season
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Mr Chandler Cole (Financial consultant)
On appointment from;
The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Cross-Border Payments, Exchange monitoring team

The Fund Beneficiary,

This message is directed to you based on the letter received from the
International Monetary Fund Agency (I.M.F) regarding the settlement of
all outstanding funds to the respective beneficiaries.

We have actually been authorized by The International Monetary Fund
(IMF) cross boarder financial transaction monitoring team to
investigate the unnecessary delay of your payment sum. The fund has
been recommended and approved in your favour for onwards payment.

During our investigation, we discovered that your payment has been
unnecessarily delayed by officials of certain Bank who tried to divert
your funds into non approved bank accounts. So, to forestall this, you
have options to choose for your funds collection.

1. The first option is payment through personalized ATM BANK CARD
with Personal Identification Number Code (PIN Code) and this will
enable only you to have direct control over your fund via ATM CARD.
2. Travel to United Kingdom in person and work with a private
financial consultant for documentation and onwards remittance of the
fund to your choice bank account or destination.

These payments will be monitored to ensure hitch free transaction.
We are happy to inform you that based on our recommendation your funds
will be released through the option choose by you.

Be informed that the team can also insist on one option of payment if
they think otherwise.
Dr. Stone Jackman (Agent)
Contact Email Address: [email protected]

Contact Dr. Stone Jackman to discuss your options for the delivery of
your ATM Card or transaction in United Kingdom in person. Any option
chooses will be processed immediately and authorized for withdrawal.

Complete the mandatory information below.

1. Your Full Name: Attach your Identity card or international passport.

2. Contact Address where you want to receive the ATM CARD if the first option.
3. Your Age:.............................................
4. Occupation:............................................
5. Country of Origin:.......................................
6. Sex/Gender:................................................
7. Private Telephone Numbers..................................
8. Amount Involved............................................

Only (Dr. Stone Jackman) is authorized to facilitate and make this payment.
You are strictly advised to stop all communications with any other
person, Agent or bank across the world regarding to your payment
except Dr. Stone Jackman.

His alternative email: [email protected]

Yours sincerely,
Mr Chandler Cole (Financial consultant)
Dr.Marc Hickson(Foreign Payment Director)

If you're here because you received the same email as what I posted and you're wondering if it's a scam...YES, it's a scam

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