Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Link Fri Mar 03, 2023 4:28 pm
Michael Roberts
[email protected]
[email protected]

Reply-To: [email protected]
From: Michael Roberts <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2023 07:31:49 +0100
Subject: Urgent Business Partnership
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

From The Desk Of: Michael Roberts
Chief Executive Officer, HSBC USA and Americas
1818 H Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20433
Website: https://www.hsbc.c. om/who-we-are/leadership-and-governance/senior-management/michael-roberts


I have an interest in investing in your country as well as to seek for your services in a private and confidential matter.

I am Michael Roberts, the Chief Executive Officer, HSBC Bank USA and Americas. Refer to the website: https://www.hsbc.c om/who-we-are/leadership-and-governance/senior-management/michael-roberts

On my routine inspection I discovered a dormant account with a Balance of (US$35,000,000.00) Million US Dollars owned by one of our foreign deceased customer, a billionaire Business Mogul Late Mr. Moises Saba Masri, a Jew from Mexico who was a victim of a helicopter crash since 2010 which resulting to his death and his family members.

You can see more information about Mr. Moises Saba Masri, unfortunate end accident on the website-link below.
http://www.ynetne ws.com/articles/0,7340,L-3832556,00.html

I write to seek your assistance in transferring this fund to your account through legal means of this fund for our disbursement.

There should be no third parties as most problems associated with your fund release are caused by your agents or representatives.

Note that after the successful completion of this transaction, you and I will have a fair share of the fund in the ratio of 50/50. If you can only follow my instruction in getting this transaction through, l advise you to furnish me immediately with the stated information before this transaction will commence without any delay as I will proceed to fix your name on the Payment schedule instantly to meet the five working days mandate.

1. Your Full Name:.............
2. Current Address:............
3. Direct Phone:...............
4. Cell Number:.................
5. Occupations:.................
6. Age:........................
7. Sex.........................
8. Country:....................
9. Company:....................

Please read this message carefully before responding back to me, if you know that you cannot handle this transaction both financially and capability; please don’t hesitate to respond back to me in the first place.

Feel Free to ask questions.

Kindly indicate your interest in this message.

Michael Roberts
Chief Executive Officer, HSBC USA and Americas

If you're here because you received the same email as what I posted and you're wondering if it's a scam...YES, it's a scam

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