Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Granger Wed Apr 05, 2023 6:48 pm
From: Mrs Tracie Parsons - [email protected]
Date: 4th April 2023, 09:04
Commonwealth Bank Australia
Darling Park Tower 1, 201 Sussex Street,
Sydney, New South Wales , Australia
Telephone Number +61 299993283


I am Mrs. Tracie Parsons the UNITED NATIONS representative here in
Commonwealth Bank of Australia, and it is my pleasure to inform you
that i have received your mail regarding to your compensation Fund
that issued to you by the United Nations and you are advice to resend
address where you want your fund to deliver to you through ATM Card

Your FULL NAMES: _______________
CITY: ________________
STATE: ______________
ZIP: __________
AGE: _____

And you can also tell us how do you want to receive your compensation
Fund Sum of US$500,000,00, so that you can receive it as soon as
possible without any delay,

Meanwhile attached fill here is my ( ID CARD)

Waiting for your urgent reply.
We bank in your response.

Yours in service,

Mrs. Tracie Parsons

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