Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Alerta Fri Apr 14, 2023 3:23 am
Reply-To: [email protected]
From: Smith Capinter <[email protected]>


My name is Mr. Anthony Walters, I am a Branch Manager of a Bank here in
Nigeria, West Africa, I got your information during my research on the
Internet. It may interest you to hear that I am a man of PEACE and don't
want problems, I only hope we can assist each other. If you don't want this
business offer kindly forget it, as I will not contact you again.

It may surprise you to receive this letter from me, since there has been no
previous correspondence between us. I will also like to make it clear here
l know that the internet has been grossly abused by criminal minded
people making it difficult for people with genuine intention to correspond
and exchange views without skepticism.

I have packaged a financial transaction that will benefit both of us. As a
Branch Manager of the Bank, it is my duty to send in a Financial Report to
my head office in Lagos at the end of each year.

In the course of the last year 2022 end of the year report, I discovered
that my branch where I am the Manager made an excess profit of
[US$10,500,000.00] which my head office is not aware of and will never be
aware of. I have since placed this fund in an ESCROW ACCOUNT.

As a staff of the bank I cannot be directly linked to this money, so this
made me to contact you for us to work together so that you can assist me
and receive this fund into your bank account for us to SHARE.

I am offering you 40% of the total fund, while you keep 60% for me in your
bank account till I join you for the sharing/investment of my own share of
the funds or we can go into a joint partnership venture, I will appreciate
It is very much.

As soon as I receive your response through this Address
([email protected]) I will give you more details on how we can
achieve it successfully.

This is 100% risk free and 100% legal and your earliest response to this
matter would be highly appreciated,

Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Anthony Walters.

:oh-joy: Ruin your scammer's day! Post his format to ScamWarners. :oh-joy:

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