Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Wiljames Thu Jun 15, 2023 11:03 pm
from: James Anderson [email protected]
reply-to: [email protected]
date: Jun 13, 2023
subject: -- Very Good News

Good day

Very Good News

I would also like to use this medium to notify you that your fund
$10,5 Millions has been released last week Friday, in this process all
other arrangements have been concluded,I really want you to receive
your fund now but you have to contact me immediately.
you can only receive your$10.5 Millions US Dollars hand to hand over
there without further delayed again, i will not let you down' 'I am
giving you 100% assurance and 100% guarantee that You will not regret
complying today, meanwhile i don't know your financial status because
to transfer money from here to any part of the world will required
many process which will include some amount of money so i will like
you to comply with my suggestion to receive this Funds with out any

In this matter,I will make a solid arrangement with the Security
Company here to transport the cash in a truck box which i will deposit
as family valuable in there custody moreover i will verify more in
there company because as i knew the formal client in New York and Ohio
has the same cases and this is how i did it and them received their
consignment under 3 days

This Company has an accredited Diplomat who will deliver this
Consignment to you hand to hand without any problem as soon as
possible but that will be when I hear from you then I will proceed to
the company to know their requirements.

Please We look forward to your maximum cooperation in anticipation.

Yours in service

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