Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Wiljames Thu Aug 03, 2023 12:09 am
from: John D Martins [email protected] via optusnet.com.au
reply-to: [email protected]
to: Recipients [email protected]
date: Jul 18, 2023
subject: License Approval

_ License Approval_

We write to inform you that your license application has been approved.
Your license is still DORMANT and needs to be activated before it can be operational to honor your payment by the National oil coperation (NOC),
a Singapore Petroleum Company valued for US$ 12..6 Million.
You are officially required not to pay any upfront before your license will be activated and become operational. we will renew and issue you a new license bearing

your name as next of kin to late Mr. Vasily Melnikov (Owner of MEDSTOM COMPANY Ukraine) who recently died with his entire family from Russian Military bombardment. For avoidance of doubt and other criminal activities by some elements who request for upfront payment , we disassociate ourselves from such by asking you

to travel in person
to Greenville South Carolina to meet our company vault officer Mr. Marcus Benjamine for disbursement of your funds.
Incase of your inability to travel we will transfer your funds via ATM dispatch as the only option. Write back and let us know exact date you will be traveling and i
will have Mr. Marcus contacted you on phone for further clarification on this prior to your arrival .

Accept the assurance of our warm regards and CONGRATULATIONS !!!

John D. Martins
Chief Payment Cordinator.
National Oil Coperation( NOC)

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