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by Guanaco1 Tue Aug 15, 2023 2:35 pm
From: EMIRATES TRADE FINANCE LIMITED <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2023 16:45:59 +0300
Subject: Projects Finance & Business expansion.


We are a private Lending firm, whom's business is giving out soft loans, Home Loans, Investment Loans, Project Loan, Car Loan, Mortgage Loan e.t.c at a very considerate interest rate of 2.5%. We are interested in financing large-scale projects and providing loans.

We offer: -
* Project Financing
* Business loan
* Personal loan

We offer collateral and Non- Collateral Loans. Repayment is annual and per annual. The repayment term is 1-30 years and with free 12 months of grace.

The minimum amount of the Loan is $50,000.00 USD and the Maximum is $500 Million USD.

Note: We give out loans in dollars, pounds, and Euros, so you can apply anywhere in the world, and once you are qualified for our Loan, your Loan file will be approved.

Don't afford to miss this offer, hurry now and apply to get your Loan with ease and you will never regret it.

Contact us via the means below:

Whatsapp: +971526718312
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092397939139
Website: https://www.emiratestradefunding.com

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